Glow Squid and Glow Item Frames Feedback

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  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    they should hypnotise you for 4 seconds to start making you start drowning forcing you to swim back up

    and you can use it's sacks to make a potion called the hyponoe potion this potion will make mobs around you hypnotised

  • 5
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    please can we dye the squids?

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  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Three Plans:

    1st: Dye the squids. Just like sheep, dyeing a squid will not only change its color but also the squid will drop a glowing _insert color here_ dye. This glowing dye can be used for clothes, wool, and maybe other things.

    2nd: Mixing Dyes. Just like how you can dye a squid and get a glow dye, you can mix a glow sac with a dye to create a glowing _insert color here_ dye.

    3rd: Having multi-color glowing dyes will be the perfect ingredient for something people have wanted for a long time: COLORED LIGHTS!!! a combination of glow dye and glass will finally make this happen. Maybe another light source, like glowstone or torches could be added. Thanks!

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  • 3
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    Having a glow inc sac is a golden oppurtunity for a glow potion. Like the shine potion in terraria, It lights up the area around you. However, this is different than the night vision potion because other people can see with your shine, and ores are slightly brighter

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I have a few suggestions to improve this mob, as I think it has loads of potential!
    1. Getting inked can give you night vision for a short time, which makes potentially finding them in aquifers much more exciting!
    2. Using glow sacs on black text should give that text a glowing outline! (as opposed to doing nothing) 

    Below this point suggestions become more experimental and change a lot about the mob, but i still think these would improve it greatly:
    3. Maybe instead of these features belonging to the glow ink sac itself, it belongs to a "glow dye" crafted with the sacs. This way, you can add more uses based on traditional dye features and give more context to the glowing text feature. 
    4. To compensate, the normal sac could be used as a light source. One that you could even throw like an ender pearl! (NOT dynamic light, would only light up once it hits the ground) (this # is based on SystemZee's video) 
    Please consider these features! I'd hate to see this mob underdeveloped with the potential it has. Thanks!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The glow ink sacs should make glow dye. I talk more about that concept here.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The mob is fine, but the glow ink sac needs more uses, since limiting itself to just 2 things is not going to make people want the ink and they will forget the glow squid easily.

    For me, just adding glow banners and glow concrete would be enough.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    add a way of removing the glow effect from item frames

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    add spectral arrows to the bedrock edition, you could craft them with glow ink sacs and arrows, that could be a way to bring the spectral arrows to bedrock. (you could also make glow potions from the glow ink sacs)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It would make more sense if when squirted with glow ink you get a glowing effect

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be cool if you could make light sources brighter using the new glow ink sack. So basically you could make the soul torches as effective as regular torches and regular torches would light up even more area.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Glow in sac should be more useful. It could be in the crafting recipe of spectral arrows, spectral potions, spectral, glow wool, etc. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This seems a radical change but you could maybe consider changing the glow squid for the glow jellyfish. This will give you a 3 second potion effect if you touch the inferior part of their hit box, however they are friendly. I think there is already one squid and another one with the same texture isn't adding something original to the game. Instead of the glow inc sac it could be the glow core that is the force which makes the jellyfish glow.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I saw another person make a post about this but I liked it so much I wanted to put it here. Allow combining of the spyglass and a glow inksac to essentially make a nightvision spyglass. This would be really helpful for the big new dark caves.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    You should make it so you can color the glow squid to make it different colors and maby make difrent glow colors to.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    It would be neat for them to inhabit oceanic caves, even a special new ocean cave biome, they could live there along with an increased number of drowned, as drowned also have glowing in their texture. the ocean caves could have a bioluminescent aura with glow lichen, glow squid, drowned, sea lanterns, etc.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    - Glow Squids could give a short Water Breathing effect when swimming near them

    - Glow Ink Sacs should be in a crafting recipe for Diving Goggles that could increase vision underwater, could be combined with a Turtle Shell to get the shared effects. Copper and Amethyst could be in this recipe as well.

    - Glow Squid and Squid should be able to be Bucketed.

    -  A little far-fetched, but color variations of the Glow Squid would look FANTASTIC when caving, it would make them so much more useful in builds like Aquariums as well. 

    - Breed Glow Squid with Glow Berries? Squids are Predators, but it would kind of make sense for Glow Squid to like Glow Berries. Breeding would be the same as with Sheep Color Breeding.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    im deeply disapointed that mojang didnt implement the dynamic lighting nor the hypnotizing feature for the glowsquid, those were my main reasons to vote for it, but i guess thats what we have mods for, plus dyinamic ligthing could be used for blazes and held ligth sources, please dont let this mob vote be another phantom

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think that glowing items should still glow in a regular item frame.  For example, putting a glow item frame in a regular item frame should make it glow.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Glow Ink should have more uses. Maybe in brewing or the fletching table. Perhaps you could use it to dye leather armor and make certain parts glow just like the glow squid. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    We should be able to use the glow sacs with the spyglasses to give us an effect that's sort of like night vision or even just a more powerful and directed torch that aims at the thing we are looking at. I think this would be a good way to use the glowing ink sacs without making night vision obsolete and gives us the ability to explore more easily at night. Additionally a mechanic like what I described in the latter half of the first sentence could be used with the ink sac to give us a sort of flashlight or other portable light source like what happens when you put a torch in your off hand in Java edition. This would be ideal for exploring the caves above the deep dark or even give us the ability to see better in the deep dark at the cost of durability. then when it breaks more glowing inc sacs would have to be added. it would probably have to be a lot of inc sacs for for such a powerful beam so you would likely need 8 inc sacs every time to "recharge" the flashlight.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Glow ink sacs should make Glow dye which can make glowing sheep, glowing wool, glowing terracotta, glowing concrete, and glowing leather armor. Any stationary glowing item should emit light. Glow squids should be bred with glow lichen. Glow lichen should be crafted with vines and glowing ink sacs.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Glow Ink Sacs should be craft able into Glow Dye which can dye anything that can normally be dyed to make it glow.

  • 1
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    They should spawn a little bit more frequently along with the axolotl, because they are a bit hard to find

  • 4
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    Crafting together a dye with glowing ink sacs could make a glowing dye item which you could use to "tag" mobs or players by right-clicking on them, and cause them to receive the glowing effect in that color for a period of time. Alternatively, the player could make themselves glow by using the item, which may actually be a more practical application.

    The item itself could be similar to firework stars; a dye could be combined with 1-8 glowing ink sacs to craft this new item. Each glowing ink sac used in the recipe would contribute to 15 (or 30) seconds of the glowing effect for up to 2 minutes of effect time (or 4 minutes).

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    the glow squid could give the glow dye, which if painted with a blue dye for example it turns into the glow blue dye!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    At first I hated them...

    Now they're growing on me...

    If they don't already, make them squirt phosphorescent ink when you damage them.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    they're great, it would be cool if you could make turqoise wool with glow ink