Glow Squid and Glow Item Frames Feedback

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  • 179
    Registered User commented
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    Glow Squids should spawn in the new aquifiers. I would also appreciate it if the texture was changed so they are less grey and more blue.

    One more thing that would be cool is if they could be bred with glow lichen, and drop regular ink sacs as well as glowing ones.

    Also, please make the glow item frame/sign actually give off light.

  • 154
    Registered User commented
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    It needs significantly more uses right now, as well as its own biome, since we are lacking an aquatic cave biome anyway

  • 152
    Registered User commented
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    They should spawn in the new caves as well as on the surface.

  • 145
    Registered User commented
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    The problem: Diamonds are stupid easy to find within the new cave generation as long as you have night vision

    The solution: Instead of changing the spawn rate of diamonds, instead you should make the night vision potions a lot harder to obtain by making them brewed with a glow ink sack, rather than a golden carrot. This would give the glow squids the use that the community so largely desires, while also making a well-overpowered potion not so overpowered. Of course that also depends on how rare the glow squids are.

  • 109
    Registered User commented
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    You should be able to use a glow ink sac to make leather armor glow. You can get rid of this effect by crafting glowing leather armor with an ink sac, or washing it in a cauldron.

  • 94
    Registered User commented
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    Glow squids should spawn in a new "half cave/half ocean" biome called the "Deep Dark Ocean". The Deep Dark Ocean biome would be an excellent place to find glow squids and to take advantage of the new world height in ocean generation. This would also make players want to explore the oceans more, in turn causing them to find more stuff in the oceans that they might not have known about. Perhaps the Deep Dark Oceans could also be another source of skulk and skulk sensors, and the challenge of the Warden would be replaced with the challenge of not drowning a hundred blocks below the surface of the ocean.

  • 82
    Registered User commented
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    Glow Squids should spawn at night to light up the ocean

  • 74
    Registered User commented
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    Make glow ink sacks able to be combined with dyes, this would give more uses to the glow ink like glowing wool blocks or glowing leather armor. Glowing blocks I think would make a great addition

  • 69
    Registered User commented
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    I think Glow Squids should have animated textures, where their spots “turn on/off”.

  • 55
    Registered User commented
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    Make them actually glow

  • 46
    Registered User commented
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    You should be able to use the Glow Ink Sac on your dog or cat to make their collars glow like enderman or spider eyes.

  • 44
    Registered User commented
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    It should have an animation like in Minecraft Earth and only punk lighting, i.e. on the eyes, mouth, spots and tentacle tips.

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    They should give a throwable light source for helping us lighting up the new caves

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    Love them!

    Also I had an idea =) What if we can use the Glow Squid Ink on sheep to make them Neon glowing sheep with whatever was dyed as? And maybe beds to? If that is all possible of course :) But guess we will see happens.

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    The glow ink sacs should be able to make certain blocks give off light when crafted with it, like wool blocks, concrete blocks, & other 16 color blocks. A lot of people also like the idea of placing ink sacs on blocks just like the glow lichen, to also create light. It would be a really cool effect. I gave an idea for the glow squid a little while ago, talking about using glow ink sacs to make glowing mushrooms from MC Dungeons. This link is on the feedback site to my comment on my full idea: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360052971612/comments/360014068131

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    Picture this when crafting banner pattern you can give the individual banner pattern glow ink so that individual banner pattern glows on the banner while the rest of it doesn't. Additionally you could add glow inl to an entire banner and any other patterns you add afterward will not glow. This would make for some great design.

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    I know it'd be really hard to do for everything, but I think having the ability to combine the glow ink sack with more items could be really cool. Maybe let it do some stuff that other regular dyes can do, like maybe glow wool or a glow bed for example. 

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    They are very appealing in underground caves, so they should spawn in ALL underground bodies of water, not just exclusive biomes. They add so much to cave ambience that I would hate for them to be rare - I like to find underground aquifers in creative and fill them with glow squids and I would love to come across scenes like that in survival!

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    It'd be nice if you could see it's particle effects outside of water too, although that might be a bug.

    I would like to see them spawn exclusively in aquifers, to give the new areas a more distinct feel.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Glow Squid should swim through rain.

    Glow Squid live in deep water, except for when it rains. When it's about to rain, they swim to the surface in preparation to swim up through the rain, similar to how players can move through the rain with Riptide tridents. This would give an implied connection between the behavior of Riptide and these mysterious creatures of the depths which previously was thought to only belong to players. It would also allow players to forecast rain by observing the rise of Glow Squid. It can be difficult to prepare for an outing that takes full advantage of Riptide in the rain when you have zero heads up as to when a rain/thunderstorm may appear.

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    They obviously should spawn in the darker parts of the water. Particularly in the deep. I don't think they nessessarilly have to spawn in every cave body of water though. Maybe there could be something setup similar to slime chunks such as glow squid chunks. Although one would have to account that these would generate where bodies of water are, or perhaps make them especially large so theirs a bigger chance of them getting into a body of water. With them being especially large it would also make it more likely to get large glow squid environments in certain places where there where large bodies of water underground.

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    It would be interesting if glow inl could be applied to any dyeable item. It would allow for a lot more decoration, and could be useful for any other things as well. I personally think glowing leather may be useful on servers.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Glow Ink Sacs should also glow when they are an item in the world.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    I think banners and paintings should be able to glow with the glow ink sacs.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    You should be able to throw ink sacs like projectiles, and they will splat on the ground where they land and create a "glow ink" block that provides light. Ranged ways to light up caves would be really cool

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    It would be nice if they spawned in caves and glowed, as I feel the noise caves lack light source.
    It could be glow squids only glow when in caves

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    I voted for glow squid to add more ambience to deep oceans and I think that them spawning in ocean depths below y30 would be great spawning mechanics. I do really want the glow item frames and signs to give off light, but they're not bad now.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Glow squids should rarely spawn in different colors.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I believe that the Glow Squid should have an animated texture, rather than a basic one. It would give more life to the Glow Squid and make it feel unique. Minecraft Earth already made it animated so why can't it be in the base game? Of course it doesn't have to blink but its body must illuminate from bottom to top.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    jeb_ tag should work for glow squid :)