Recently on a Minecraft realm, we are in the rush for the mending enchantment on everything. This has been made pretty easily with things like, villager trading and automatic fish farms, but something has always gotten in the way that I do not understand. The "Too expensive!" mechanic on anvils.
In my honest opinion, its extremely stupid. XP is easily obtainable once you reach the end, and even when you get a monster grinder via a mob spawner in the overworld. I want to be able to put enchantments on my items to max them out, yet this stands in the way, and it is only this mechanic! I'm able to get the XP, the materials required, but the anvil says too expensive anyway? I just do not understand why it is another limiting factor, on top of the other limiting factors enchanting already has.
It should be removed from the game, and just allow us to max out our tools and weapons for an astronomical XP price if we want.
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