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Remove the "Too Expensive!" mechanic from anvils


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  • 113
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, everyone hates this feature. There is no one out there who wouldn't prefer it being out of the game. I have a diamond pickaxe that I cant even repair. I just want to reapair my pick, but I can't, because it is "Too expensive" 

  • 65
    Registered User commented
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    I Agree

  • 58
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with the whole problem, I have a very powerful sword in survival that I grinded for, yet I cant repair it because of the limiting factor on the anvil. It is easy for me to get lvls too by killing pigmen in the nether to get the lvls I need. I wish they would remove that feature so I can repair my tool. 

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    At least let us repair the items if they're too expensive

  • 36
    Registered User commented
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    I believe that it shouldn't be "too expensive" to repair my equipment. I'm sure plenty of people here will think the game is too easy if it costs them several hours worth of work just to repair their equipment which took several weeks worth of work just to create in the first place but basic maintenance of enchanted equipment shouldn't cost more than five experience.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    One way to work around it I've found is to apply the enchantments you want to a book, and then apply the book to the tool. I don't remember if I enchanted the tool in an enchanting table first, but I've maxed out a sword doing so (and armor and tools), and I've even been able to give it a custom name afterward! But then of course simply placing the finished sword in an anvil by itself gives the "Too Expensive" notification, so I can't ever change the name again.

    I agree I've found this limit frustrating, but the only problems I have with it anymore is when I try to upgrade old gear. Using the above approach, I can max out anything I want and give it a custom name as long as I start from scratch, and don't intend to change the name later.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    That's too op.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    This "Too Expensive" mechanic also doesn't allow heavily enchanted items to be repaired. Which is absurd.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like the XP system for Anvils should be reworked.

    I find it a shame that currently, if you want to keep an item forever, you basically have to put Mending on it. I see no reason for a system like that to exist.

    My idea is that the cost to Repair/Enchant an item should be solely based on how many Enchantments are already on it. Repairing or renaming an item would never add to the cost of it (and renaming an item should always be cheap, like 1-2 XP).

    If there's some kind of an issue with having too many Enchantments on something, then put a limit to that.

    Also on a somewhat related note, Mending should probably be nerfed. Either decrease the amount of durability XP recovers, or completely change it so that it just makes it cheaper to repair, or something like that, I dunno.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    They should totally remove it

    i can't fix my armors it has rare enchantments and almost broken

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I think the idea of being able to "max out" any tool with all enchantments makes for an uninteresting game. What you should have to do is craft gear optimized for certain tasks, or is balanced, but worse at specific things than specialized gear. There are currently ways to obtain this gear in the game, but it requires a little effort and understanding of enchanting.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Removing the "Too Expensive" feature is unnecessary and frankly would lower the game quality.

    It is easy to get experience points. It is easy to keep tools (due to mending). It is possible to get all (possible) enchantments on tools.

    All the player has to do is to plan their game or to think. 

    Besides... Fully enchanted items should be an endgame reward for skilled players, not an op tool for novices. 

    If they aren't willing to thing a little while enchanting then they do not deserve to get them.

    Once a player learns how to enchant they do not even encounter the "too expensive" in anvils. I personally have not seen it for more than 2 years now.


  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I believe there should be a /gamerule command, similar to the firetick gamerule. 

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    A Gamerule for disabling it would be SUPER nice.

    Here's something weird tho, i can put mending, efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 on my diamond pickaxe one at a time, but if i combine them all onto a book first, then it's too expensive to put on.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I agree, I want to repair my sword and add some more in breaking onto it, but it keeps saying too expensive.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    It honestly sucks, because I can’t even repair my bow

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    As it is now, mending is necessary enchantment in every Minecraft server because without it there is no way to continue using high level tools. Personally I think that instead of allowing for astronomical XP prices for enchanting, there should be a set price to repair items based on their enchantments and material. For instance, an efficiency V iron pickaxe always requires 10 levels per item repair with an iron ingot. Mending will still be extremely useful as a way to passively heal tools without functioning as a "you need me to keep your favorite tools" enchantment.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    The thing is that sometimes it could create a weapon waaaay to overpowered. HOWEVER; it is very annoying when you've got a weapon and just try to repair it and it says "Too expensive!". 

    An example; I myself had a bow with the highest enchantments, but eventually I couldn't repair it anymore because it was "too expensive", which I find kind of bad.

    To sum up, keep the "Too expensive!" to not create extremly OP weapons but remove it so one can at least repair armor and tools! So, you got my vote.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    This is true, in my survival world (on minecraft bedrock edition beta I have 200 xp levels, and I wanted to add the soul speed III enchantement to my overpowered netherrite boots, even though the boots have so many OP enchantements, I have 200 levels that I spent 5 hours grinding. But then it tells me that its too expensive. It would be better if it told me how much xp it needs even if its too much.


  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    bro this happens to me all the time and i have an xp grinder and the anvil TO EXPENCIVE like why i have 168 levels

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    This too expensive gimmick is super unhelpful for repairing my tools, weapons and armor and it makes them unable to be maxed out. I ask that this gets removed permanently thank you.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Yes i cant get sharpness 5 on my sword because of this I hate this feature so much!!!

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    please mojang remove this feature for both bedrock and java, i have a god tier sword but i really need to get from Sharpness IV to Sharpness V (that's not the only enchantmant i have on my sword but it's and example) also i want to add looting to my sword, old players with maxed out tools can now no longer repair their tools or add mending to it now, and a weapon/tool doesn't seem that important but for some of us it carries emotional value because we worked hard to get a sword like that and have been through a lot with said sword, so please remove this feature.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I 100% agree. This 'limit' is too bs to actually work and it means you have no chance of keeping your best weapons. if you worked that hard only to lose your best items due to something like this then what was the point of playing to get to that point in the first place?

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I am for this idea, but I think if it were implemented the amount of XP needed to repair and upgrade things in the anvil would need to be increased, to prevent players from becoming too OP too easily.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    YES! I’ve had the exact same experience, I spent weeks grinding for books and xp just to have this! This needs more attention!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    They could add a harder to get block for repairing heavily enchanted items.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    If it is too expensive, please tell me what I need to do to repair my pickaxe!!!!


  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I know! Recently, I’ve been having to keep on obtaining diamond / netherite because all my tools and armor are recently broke. All have nearly maxed enchants except for mending (which I still need to get some villagers for) always break. I try to repair them, and it says too expensive! Like, I have nearly 130 levels. Plus an xp farm so why can’t I put it on?? The most recent example from this is I wanted to put soul speed 3 on my boots to completely max it out because I just got a mending book form fishing, and soul speed 3 from a Piglin bastion. And after all that work, I come back to see Too Exepensive. They should really remove this feature or just raise the level cap to 200. Xp farms are not that hard to make, and most people have the ability to make them. It really shouldn’t cost so much to repair / add on the something.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Someone can dive into the fine details. But heres the basics. Example sword.

    Enchanted sword + Enchanted Sword = X (lets say 20xp)
    Now that sword you created will be called New Sword

    New Sword + Another Enchanted sword = 40xp

    It jumps each time you use the same one again. To a maximum of 40 (in survival)

    So as others have said. It would be too OP. But you are not out of luck. As someone said, use books. Combine and combine without the same type of xp increase.

    Hope this helps!