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Mob spawning needs to be more balanced on Minecraft

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  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Once the combat changes are implemented, there should be a sequence of mob spawning tests, until we have a system that works on both editions. 

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Is this for the bedrock edition? Because I agree with all of this.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I don't really find mob spawning a problem unless you are in a plain field. 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I know that the new warped Forest is supposed to have enderman but it is a little obnoxious because they destroyed my house and the beautiful biome I'm living in

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    + Slimechunks should either be waaaay less than now or we have to be able to disable them. When making an underground base, its just a pain having them despite having light everywhere or slabs.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. When I play in flat worlds with mob spawning on, there are slimes everywhere! It is very annoying, and I wish it would spawn them less.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I like this idea. Enemy mobs shouldn't be spawning deep underground for no reason, it breaks mob farms near unlit caves. Enemies and animals could also have different spawn rates depending on the biome, making each area that much more unique and no more chickens hanging out on mountains for no reason. With this change you could go to an area wear skeletons are the more common enemy spawn and make a mob grinder that makes more bones, arrow and bows for you while a grinder in another area could give you more zombies to grind up.

    I don't like the idea of an area having a higher creeper spawn rate though, I feel like they should be a bit fewer. All the time I see 3 or 4 creepers spawn in as it is and having a horde of creepers would be terrible. Would make a good gunpowder farm though.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I believe that a new system is necessary to make the game more playable and less frustrating to more experienced players that tend to automate tedious processes and create mob farms.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Are you not just describing how mobs currently spawn and despawn?

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I find that on PS4 Bedrock, the biggest issues are Husks, Drowned, and Phantoms, as none of them despawn when their chunk gets unloaded, and they never die and constantly take up the mov cap. Sucks that I have to cycle the world into peaceful occasionally to get rid of hidden drowned and husks. Another thing is when mobs are in water they never despawn and partially underground surface lakes really make this a problem.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I'd definitely like to see more slimes as I have issues finding slime chunks and getting them to spawn regularly

    I'd also like to see mobs despawn more easily when they are in water, not just drowned but the skeletons too, I seem to find a lot of mobs hiding from the daylight down in the water and it seriously impacts spawning elsewhere


  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    i completely disagree mob farms kill the game. Dont believe me?

    If you make a mob farm for every resource youre pretty much done with the game and are playing in creative. Theres a mode for that... Mob farms give you infinite resources and completely discourage you from actually playing survival. I understand the machinery and redstone can be the biggest selling point for most people. But once you have a mob farm you literally dont need to do anything buy afk in that bitch and build. 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I love the challenge in bedrock I just hate mobs dont despawn when away and hog the mob cap .

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I find that drowned don’t spawn enough in Java, on a good evening you might be able to find 5, on bad days none. 

    the spawning issue should be fixed.


  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I don't agree that mob "farming" should be easier, and I strongly feel that non-exploitive survival shouldn't take a hit for the sake of it.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I personally want the "NEED" of mob farms to be a niche thing of the past things like this do not fit in a survival game, we have creative mode for a reason. If they can re-implement the things we use in these mob farms with a semi automated way for "end game" players to utilize this would help Server Survival Economy's to Not Be Broken right away from easily exploited mechanics that were never intended to be abused in such a manner.

    If we had a way to force zombie or skeleton spawns EI: Iron Golems we built to kill the monsters or more this could make for interesting alternative farms that are not just fall damage water farms to farm unlimited resources in "SURVIVAL"

    After the cave update I really hope Mojang works on a Survival Update so that they can further flesh out the mechanics of survival.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I'm a very technical player and like to make tons of afk mob farms and so I would like this if it doesn't decrease the rates of my mob farms but, minecarts shouldn't despawn

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    * On spawning mobs, create a spawning and gathering cycle for spawned mobs based on game time, day, night or specific time ... to think about a future of cycles full of specific breeds arising all the time)
    * Limit mobs per chunk (XYZ) so that it can be configured by the server or advanced options in singleplayer mode
    * If a mob accidentally walks or falls into a limited chunk it will instantly die by the crowd's limit (this also applies to the 16 floors of chunk blocks, meaning bees and flying mobs will also die or be stopped by artificial intelligence
    * Artificial intelligence will not walk / lead mobs to an overloaded mobs chunck
    * Define classes (affinities or food chain) to run the hunts that exist in the game, exemplifying a chunk with a limit of only 2 mobs: 2 golems can walk to fight in a chunk containing 2 skeletons but cannot walk or fall into a busy chunk by 2 villagers or 1 cow and 1 villager, no mob aggressive to golems can walk into combat while the chunk is overcrowded by 2 skeletons and no golem can participate in the fight as long as they have 2 golems occupying bringing with skeletons
    * Intentionally spawning a mob in an overloaded chunk will cause it to die (this ensures that farms for cows, pigs, chickens...)
    * tags protect any mob from any global spawning and deflating cycle effect
    * tag does not protect mobs from accidentally falling into an overloaded chunk
    * enclosures keep a crowd safe from the global spawning and spawning collection cycle

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with everything. There Is one thing though, the balancing of how many passive mobs are spawned in an area needs to be controlled too. For example, in jungles no animals spawn whatsoever meaning no source of food other than bread or if youre lucky, fish. Then when you're at just normal plains you'll see 6,7 chickens sheep and cows.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I am not downvoting this or disagreeing, I just have one question:

    What would be considered a significant interaction with the player(s)?

    Thank you!

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Don't you think that if players would be able to pinpoint where mobs will spawn the game would be too easy?

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    What about mob difficulty based on XP?

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Why? I like experience grinders, not "balance"

    Edit: unclosed quotations.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I remember when I first started playing minecraft (way back during the 1.6.4 update) I spent a few hours looking for cows to finish my enchanting room. I completely agree that the mob spawning needs to be more balanced, especially since I constantly am running into drowned.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Iron golems need to spawn faster to protect the villages 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Smoother mob spawning 

    1 Mobs cannot spawn / despawn  if he player can see them directly. (mobs can spawn behind the player)

    2 If a mob is behind a block that is their height plus one block and the first rule is met the mob can spawn / despawn

    3 if the mob is in a light level where the player cannot see well the mob can spawn / despawn

    4 There is an untagged entity limit for each type of entity, if an entity is tagged like being spawned by a player using a command or a spawn egg  is does not count toward the entity limit.

    5 All untagged mobs over a certain number of blocks away can ignore all  other spawning rules an will automatically depsawn.  (the default number of blocks is 100) The number of blocks  distance can be set  by using "/gamerule mob despawn radius  100" Tagged mobs can also be included in this rule by using a command "/gamerule  ignore_tags true" 

    Also I think that you should add a low performance mode for those who don't have good computers it lowers the mob despawn radius and mobs AI  will be frozen until the player is within a set number of blocks you can use this command so set the distance of when the AI will be unfozen / frozen "/gamerule entity_freeze 50"




  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This seriously needs to happen, cats are absolutely out of control on bedrock. In one of my worlds I am living in a village that is filled with at least 60 cats. I can hardly find any mobs in my world due to this. Daily I have to exterminate around 40-50 cats. Please fix this as funny as it is XD.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe spawning should be limited by a timer, so you don't get endermen spawning as much on a small end platform at Y = 0.

    (Also adds a new gamerule: spawningTimer, so nostalgic players can set it to 0 if they want the old experience.)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Having built a farm with ALL of the requirements of Minecraft PE I am finding that it doesn’t work at all. I lighted up all surrounding areas too!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Look Mojang, I love the game I rated it a 5 star but you need to work on the game and it’s creativity of living things. There should be more mobs that should spawn in more biomes or dimensions. The nether update was awesome but I only play on phone and Xbox, but rumors have been spread that you great people are still working around the clock. And that y’all are still working to put the nether update on all devices. Minecraft can go beyond the limits of popularity, and the hell you did. Minecraft is one of the best games I have ever played and I want to take it to popularity so thank you for your time and thank you for making this game. Sincerely, SolarBrush2023