In the latest Snapshot brings in a huge change to how caves are generated in Minecraft, which will make up a major part of Caves & Cliffs later this year. With this being such an important part of the update, we want as much of your feedback as possible! Before you play and let us know what you think, there's a few things to bear in mind:
- All the noise caves (the new caves) will be water-filled from sea level (y63) down to y30. That means many of the lakes on the surface are actually water-filled cave entrances. That will change later, when we have aquifers enabled at all heights.
- No biomes generate yet
- All ore placement at negative Y are tentative and will be updated later.
- There are no larger bodies of lava underground. That will be added later.
- Old worlds currently can't be opened in the new snapshot, because of some world conversion issues. That will be fixed in a future snapshot.
For more information on noise caves, aquifers, and everything else in the latest snapshot, check out the full changelog!
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