Caves & Cliffs World Generation Experimental Snapshot 2 Feedback


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  • 111
    Registered User commented
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    It would be cool if strays spawned in the snowy slopes & snowcapped peaks instead of regular skeletons or a mix between the two.

  • 81
    Registered User commented
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    I kinda miss the megacaves, I thought it was super cool to be able to elytra around and dive into big caves. Maybe make it an alternate terrain option, like superflat?

  • 87
    Registered User commented
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    I fell like the really tall mountains are to rare. After exploring for about an hour in creative I only found 1 mountain that at its peak was 200 the rest were around 140. Side note, i like the new beaches but i also think there just a bit to rare and not smooth enough

  • 59
    Registered User commented
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    Giant patches of Granite, Andesite, diorite, etc.

    This would allow for granite and other stone variations to generate caves of their own, which would be some really cool variation and would make it easier to get even larger quantities of the material. Plus, it would be a really cool sight to see in combination with the new cave biomes.

  • 115
    Registered User commented
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    Why not deeper oceans also? Not sure on these values, but say y=0 for standard ocean seafloor, and around -40 for deep ocean seafloors? As for now the deepest level for a deep ocean is around y=45 to 32 or so. Could also mean things like the Glowsquid could generate in the depth like a real abyssal sea creature.

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    Andesite should generate in deepslate level

    Back in the early snapshots andesite accidentally generated below 0, which I thought was really cool. It would add more color variation in deepslate than stone, since it has such a similar color to it. It would also make below 0 more interesting because it would no longer just be tuff breaking up the texture. This could also add even more incentive to go caving in deepslate.

  • 56
    Registered User commented
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    Granite Shores?

    After visiting Acadia national park, I realized how much granite is really present in beaches, normal gray stone was not really there. I think it would be really cool if along with stone shores there was a chance to get granite shores in Minecraft, beaches would have even more variation than they already have and it would make them even cooler to explore

  • 60
    Registered User commented
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    Still wondering if the Ice Caves bug will become anything official, especially now that the team has the added months to implement something like this... but more related to this snapshot: Mountain height increase was good, but I still think it's too rare. With the terrain being raised everywhere else, I feel like within each mountain range, there should be at least one of the peaks that reach y256+, even if the rest are a lot lower. On bedrock, mountain ranges typically have good jumps: y150 to y100 to y200 to y150 to y256 at its highest, then back down. It makes them stand out a lot more.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Feedback- for this 2nd snapshot is that alot of the "toothpick" pillars are disconnected and it seems there's a lot more of those thin ones compared to the thick pillars. And i think it would be cool to still keep those flat areas (you increased them in this 2nd experimental snapshots) but it seems you may have overcompensated as theres still mountains but now theres tons of flat area, maybe find a good balance. Or maybe thats intended im not too sure. Finally i love the java AND bedrock mountains in there current state i think it would be cool to integrate bedrock mountains to have a RARE chance of spawning in java, for a good balance and bedrock has majestic mountains so they should be more rare whereas the common ones could be the current java mountains (as of the 2nd experimental snapshot) that may be a bit confusing but hopefully its good feedback! 

  • 32
    Registered User commented
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    I would like to keep these massive caves in the surface, it adds more beauty to the world and makes the game feel more unpredictable (which is good)

  • 74
    Registered User commented
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    The 220-260 mountains should be less rare. Searching for nearly an hour using commands only yielded 1 mountain that even goes above 200. At this rate most people would never find a 220-260 mountain in survival, and while awesome things should be rare, they should still be findable.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I'm pretty sure a lot of people wont like the new way of world generation and call it "not suited for Minecraft' or something like that but I personally love this update! Even though its still an experimental screenshot, I really like how everything is generated much more realistically. Caves are huge now and its not too difficult to find a very large hole here and there. There are some downsides though. For low end PC's, the generation is very slow and drops FPS (yes I do play on an Intel i3 laptop). I don't know if its just me or other laptop/low end pc users are having this problem but it I certainly do not like my FPS dropping to 10. Other than that, I think its a great step in the right direction making Minecraft generation much more realistic and unpredictable making your adventures even more enjoyable! My favorite part is probably how cave structures are much easier to find due to the generation making caves much bigger and wider! Good luck with the experimental snapshots, you're doing a great job.

  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    I would like to preface this by saying that the change in terrain generation from the first preview to the second is a minor downgrade, I believe. Overall though, the changes to terrain generation from the current 1.17 release to the 1.18 snapshots is a huge improvement and I definitely like where the development is heading as far as terrain generation goes. There are some major issues, however:

    • Extreme hills bordering with basically any biome does not work, especially with the warmer ones like deserts. This happens too often.
    • The new peaks biomes are much too rare; the snowy tundra, birch woods, jungles and meadow biomes on the other hand, I feel, are too prominent.
    • The change in cloud height greatly reduces the impact the taller terrain has, too. I loved how it felt to basically nearly reach cloud level on a mere plains biome, for example.
    • Beaches are too wide and there is little variety in them. No beach is fully flat, for example - maybe add beach variant biomes (narrow, wide, mounds, flat etc.)
  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    Larger biomes? I really love this idea! I really like the idea of ​​biomes being much larger than normal, which makes the desert really a desert, for example. By the way, deserts can have some kind of large sand dunes. I think the highest peaks in the desert, something that doesn't make a lot of sense... And also, it doesn't make much sense to have snow across the desert, it's a very strict transition.

    The highest mountains, snow peaks could spawn like in Bedrock version.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Hello! I just downloaded this second update and it's my first experience with the new 1.18 generation. I have to say it's giving me strong nostalgic vibes for the b1.7.2and earlier terrain generation. I love it <3 Obviously, the mountains are even taller than they were back then, but you get what I mean xD

    My first world generated beautifully! This is the seed: 6817814977329480156
    I spawned at -210 89 -293. The only slightly jarring thing was the random Azalea tree popping up nearby. In my opinion it makes the most sense for lush caves to be restricted to lower elevation and not generate trees in cold/hot biomes. In a plains, jungle, or forest biome, it seems completely reasonable for azaleas to grow on the surface and for lush caves to open up to the sky. I recommend heading east to the village and the following the valley north for a nice tour.

    The second world was just as pretty, but different biomes. The seed is: 2979522175651952302
    I forget where I spawned, but I noticed some odd generation. I don't know the rules for snowy slopes, but the one at -555, 123, 205 seems out of place. I really think this mountain cap would have been better done was the sort of bluish-green grass and sparse trees that we had in mountains before with snow just at the top. The transition from oak forest and mesa plateau to a flat snow blanket devoid of vegetation seems really sharp! Just something about it seems too fast. I'm a fan of the blended biomes over random ones ^-^

  • 53
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft Rivers are outdated and we need new ones in 1.18.
    With new world Gen coming in 1.18 it would really suck if we still had old rivers. Cause they are kind of an eye sore. They are too small and tight. And they have the same problem as the old caves, that they don't connect to other rivers or cut off randomly. They are simply outdated for today's Minecraft standard. And I'm not even mentioning post-1.18 standard. So please Mojang make some, even small, adjustment to rivers.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Also, thank you for expanding the flat terrain areas! When I first spawned in I was loving the mountains, but I started to think, "Are there any plains?". Eventually I found some and on my second map I spawned into them and the variation was appreciated.

    The mobs only spawning at light level 0 is another wonderful change! I was surprised to see them on the surface though, I thought the moon provided some light and so I expected plains to be safe at night, versus forests being dangerous. That's not necessarily something I expect though, it's just how I originally pictured it when I read the update and it seemed like a nice variation.

    If you really feel like the community is pulling towards mob spawns at a slightly higher level like 3, please at least leave in the option to drop it to 0 on a world! I just really love that mechanic, I don't like the current mob spawning now I know how much better it can be .-.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Seed: 1506181989254950615

    - Red Sand feels harder to come by.

    - While exploring a Wooded Badlands Plateu the red sand interacted badly with cave openings on the sides of the cliffs. Lots of floating single blocks of red sand (416 / 127 / 463)

    - Found a desert biome with a mixture of grass chequered through (200 / 96 / 320)

    - I love finding Azalea Trees above ground! Makes finding lush caves a tad easier.


    Playing the game

    - Really like the large cave openings. It's a nice strategy that I can go down there, get some starting resources and still be protected by the daylight. I even found some lapis by the water! It was fun.

    - As someone who often feels anxiety and claustrophobia in caves these surface caves and large caves makes the game more comfortable. I like that i can play a more overworld-focused adventure if I want to.

    -  Tested some of the terrain generation with horses. As long as there aren't a lot of trees all dramatic terrain is surprisingly traversable (but I avoid mountains due to powdered snow). Rivers are a bigger obstacle.

    - Leading animals with both leads and food is harder with steeper terrain, but this could be considered a tactical choice the player must make when making their bases.


  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    So after a bit of playing the snapshot, I have to say it's really cool! I love the new mountains and caves and the changes definitely smooth it out more. But I tried playing a bit in survival and at this point, it feels like every piece of generation is a mountain, and because of that it makes it very hard to traverse or find that nice flat plains biome, or just very smooth terrain that I could find in 1.17. I also feel that certain biomes became super common such as the Mesa, Ice Spikes, when finding those in the past used to be a challenge and felt rewarding. To sum it up it feels like were putting so much new generation in, that the old generation is also being shoved out, and its important to have both of them be balanced and work together to make the world feel diverse and less hilly.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps the number of caves could be reduced? They are great, but with the shape of them, spawners seem to be almost everywhere, and mining could be difficult to do effectively without running into a cave.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I was one of the people who wanted the terrain to be a bit more flat but I think you over did it a bit in this snapshot. I really enjoyed the rolling hills everywhere and just wanted there to either be a bit more small flat areas between them or have some flatter hilltops, but now I've been having a much harder time finding large areas of hilly terrain. I've seen some big hills here and there but there's way more flat land than hills which is a big downgrade over the first snapshot in my opinion. Maybe I've just been getting really unlucky with finding big hills though, idk.

    Besides that though the wider beaches look really nice, and I'm glad the mountain peaks can be taller now.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I've tested it in survival for some hours, and omg this is an huge upgrade.
    The new generation is actually starting to become balanced and funny to explore!
    I had fun parkouring to get through the lava in the caves (I don't know what name is it, but the large and narrow ones) but I noticed that playing with the brightness level above 30/40% ruins the exploring experience, so I played with moody light level, and I enjoyed it more than with high light level.
    What I'm saying is, please, make a maximum of 50% to the brightness setting instead of 100% or increse the darkness.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I think cave carvers should only have aquifers only when they're below Y-0. Flooding cave carvers kind of ruin them due to their linear structure. Keeping stone-level carvers unflooded makes it so players go to those first before getting ready for the noise caves.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Thank you Dev Team for taking your time and reading some feedback - having played this game since 2011 it's come a long way and wanted to say a big thanks for your hard work and this amazing game! :o)

    Testing the 1.18Ex2, here are a few things which I've seen, which could be tweaked a bit:

    • currently the surface to deepslate layer-carvers are a bit common, I wish they would intersect way more rarely, so one would be a lucky cookie when finding one while normal caving - essentially having 1 or none in a radius of 1000 blocks or so. It would also make it much more rewarding and interesting to find them, than jump in the next big hole.
      [In 1.17 and below there are the occasional giant holes (radius 10-25 or so) one can find, especially easy to find in the deserts - if they (the new carver) had the rarity of these, then it would be really interesting to explore.]
    • the underground biomes are humongous. So my suggestion would be to decrease them in size, so they are dotted here and there. Also, another thing to be proud and exiting to find.
    • the mountains I have seen were nice, although it would be nice to have maybe high singular peaks dotting out, being higher than the rest of the landscape - we have that to some extent, just maybe stretch them a bit more.
    • beaches are back to beta values it seems, which is nice, but 3/4 of the current value could suffice.
    • the biome layout is still a bit weird compared to 1.17 and below values.
    • small bug: grass underwater in swamps.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    After spending a few hours exploring, I noticed lofty peaks tend to be much shorter than snowcapped peaks. By the name, it seems like lofty peaks should be at least the same height as snowcapped peaks, but I still have never seen one reach 180, while I've encountered several snowcapped peaks that reach above 200.

    Aside from being lower, lofty peaks also feel like they're just snowcapped peaks without ice. Something like giving them more spire-like terrain would help make them feel more recognizable.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Dripstone caves should be more common because right now they're super rare. Also sometimes lofty peaks or snowy slopes generate at normal ground level and it ruins the mountains for me.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I know the change in rules for mob-spawning were to help cave spawning, but it's overall a good change to be made! It will still be as hard as always but it'll just help with lighting in general. Really hope you'll keep it (or at the very least add it as a customizable general rule).

    The new mountainous varied with flat generations in all biomes look awesome (though I do miss a bit of the Badlands' canyons), little plateaus and flat areas combined and varied in height, mixed with huge and sometimes good-quirky mountains. Lakes and rivers and streams look amazing and can sometimes cause accidental waterfalls (which look beautfiul and I urge you guys to look more into that). All in all it's a great direction.

    From this specific snapshot, the biomes being just a bit larger is a good direciton. You did mention beachier beaches (which I love btw), but in early testing I did not really find a lot of change in that regard? Which is sad because bigger beaches with flatter sand and dirt would be awesome! Maybe it's just a tad too rare.

    Thank you for keeping your ears open for feedback! In general, I believe in the vision you guys are having, and I hope you're all proud. It really is looking awesome.

    EDIT: Regarding caves! Last snapshot, there were tons of huge open caves. This was scaled back a bit, and although I do understand why, there were elevations and "floors" in those caves supported by stone pillars, that looked amazing to me. Would be awesome if that could still be in the game.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    It would be better for mountains to be 210-230 more commonly and 245-280 the rare ones. That way, there could be other mountain variations that can go up to 195 as a maximum, say a plains mountain or a gravelly mountain, while the real mountains get higher than that. This could allow for tons of variations between mountains than we currently have

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Before I give my feedback, here's a list of the changes that you definitely nailed:

    • The biome sizes and reduction of microbiomes is excellent. You'll still see microbiomes every once in a while, but they're pretty uncommon, and I don't mind it.
    • Shattered terrain gives the game that original Minecraft feel, and it should certainly be kept. It just gives so much more variation to the terrain.
    • Realistic mountains that stretch above cloud level are super rare, but as long as they exist, I'm happy. This adds more parity between Java and Bedrock.
    • Cave biomes being less likely to intersect the surface makes them more exciting to find.
    • Bee nests very rarely generating in meadows adds such a nice touch, and I very much appreciate this feature.

    Here is a collection of my feedback:

    • Grove biomes seem very barren. Sweet berry bushes, arctic foxes and rabbits should spawn often in this biome.
    • Powder snow should make you sink in it twice as slowly, that way, in deeper pits of powder snow, you have an increased risk of freezing because it's difficult to mine powder snow while "falling".
    • I still think that dripstone caves should be more common than lush caves, that way lush caves feel more special to find. Perhaps swap the location of dripstone caves and lush caves?
  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Bring back the vanilla/ice caves!