Thanks to all of your great feedback from last week's experimental snapshot, we've been able to make several more tweaks to further polish world generation, which you can now try out in experimental snapshot 2! Some of the changes in this week's snapshot include:
- Biome placement is a bit smoother and less noisy. Fewer microbiomes dotting the terrain. Biomes tend to be a bit larger and less fragmented.
Raised cloud level from 128 to 192
Blue orchid no longer spawns in meadows (to keep it unique to swamps)
Swamps now generate properly (they generated in weird places before)
Underground biomes interfere less with surface biomes. They can still leak out of cave entrances sometimes through (because it looks kinda cool!)
Increased the height of some of the peaks. Now they can reach up to 220-260 or so, but rarely.
Slightly increased the chance of finding larger flatter areas.
Monsters spawn in the new mountain biomes.
Spawners have a new "CustomSpawnRules" tag, which lets you override the spawn rules of the spawned mob. In the tag you can specify "BlockLightLimit" which indicates the highest block-light the spawners will spawn mobs at. This change is to enable map-makers to use spawners in a more customizable manner to spawn mobs in any light levels they choose!
You can read up on the full list of changes as well as the known issues we're tracking in our dedicated blog post. And, like last week, please let us know what you think in the comments below!
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