Boss fights need to be less boring and have more depth. For a dungeon crawler, the boss fights are pretty lackluster and invariable, especially compared to the bosses in vanilla minecraft, which isn't even in the same genre. Every boss literally just has powerful attacks and summons a few mobs, and this doesn't change throughout the battle. In vanilla minecraft, there is at least progression in the dragon and wither fight. Take down the ender crystals, then defeat the ender dragon. Use the bow first, then the sword, for the wither. As for dungeons bosses, they are basically super-enchanted mobs. They should at least get more difficult as their health lowers.
But to take progression a step further, nerf the weaker attacks, buff the stronger attacks, and make the boss use more powerful attacks as the battle progresses. To balance this out, some bosses (like Corrupted Cauldron, Lil'lager and Heart of Ender) would have more health. This would make bosses more difficult, while preventing them from showing all their cards instantly. When bosses become progressively more powerful, it gives a mysterious and exciting vibe to the fight.
This would fix particularly monotonous boss fights by making them more difficult, surprising, and thrilling.
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