Forward: Many people (including myself) would like the underground to be deeper, unfortunately though I’ve heard that it would be quite difficult to implement, but then I came up with the idea of the underground continuing as a dimension instead, it would have many similarities to overworld caves and be overworld sized but with much larger caves, deep ravines and large lakes of lava and magma blocks. Basically the underground on steroids. So without further ado, read on...
Lore: In the miners guild I overheard a conversation talking about the cave systems and how there’s more to them than meets the eye, I intend to find out what that is, I asked around and have been given some info by the older villagers, here’s what they said...
Getting there:
Step one: First, find an abandoned mineshaft and locate a miners hut inside. The miners hut is a small oak wood building with an oak door and a spruce wood roof.
Step two: Go inside and climb down the ladder, although it looks like there’s nothing beneath you, trust us, there is...
The deepest underground:
Lore: Okay I’ve done all they told me, now it’s just me from here on, words cannot describe this place, but I shall do my best...
Plants and fungi:
Blueshrooms: Large blue glowing mushrooms are one of the only source of light down here, they can grow up to 6 blocks tall and have a bowl shaped cap (the glowing part) and a white stalk much like the other mushrooms.
Vine blocks: These are an animated block, they are naturally generated in pits, they work much like quicksand, if you walk into the vine blocks you will start sinking, the only way to stop this happening is to place down a light source of 14 or higher (a torch would do), you will then start rising up out of the blocks and then be able to escape and very occasionally you will find really really large pits of them.
Vine grapplers: These are mobs which spawn on vine blocks, they stay on their block and do not move, due to their immobile life, they have adapted in order to survive, their adaption is a wavy tendril that if any mob (except creepers) or players walks nearby, it will extend and grab them, dragging them towards the vine blocks (explained above) which will then start pulling you down like quicksand and consuming you, place a light source to prevent yourself from drowning in vines! When killed they drop vine whips, which can be used as a ranged weapon similar to a fishing rod but do more damage (2 hearts).
Giant centipede: These wander around the caverns and can climb up walls and ceilings, they are about 5 blocks long, have a venomous bite and drop 1-3 XP or if you’re lucky, pincers, two pincers can be crafted with 3 string in a pickaxe shape (3 string down the middle and two pincers in the top left and right slots), this item can then be used to grab objects from afar.
The regular mobs: Just like overworld caves, the regular hostile mobs will spawn (and bats too) to make you feel as if all you’ve done is gone deeper into the overworld.
Lonely ladders: These can be found randomly across the deepest underground, climbing up them will take you back to the overworld where you will reappear in an abandoned mineshaft.
Dungeons: These are also found here again to make you feel like you’re still in the overworld.
Spider hollows: These are found randomly too, they are large structures which contain spider spawners, cobwebs and some loot, typical stuff ranging from diamonds, pickaxe’s, torches, mining stuff basically.
Tin: Found in veins of 3-5 and can be crafted with redstone items to make waterproof redstone (it is IRL used to protect things from water corrosion).
Radium: Can be used to add a glowing effect to arrows so you can see where they’ve landed in the dark, it can also be used to make torches that glow underwater.
All the regular ores: Another thing to make you feel as if you’re still in the overworld is that all the regular ores will spawn too.
Co2: Found floating above lava lakes, when collected in a bottle it can be thrown to extinguish fires without leaving water everywhere, useful for fires near redstone contraptions as it does not wash away redstone.
That is all I can think of for this dimension idea now, thankyou for reading.
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