Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


Deeper Underground


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I do like the idea of a purely underground dimension.  I am still unsure, though.

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     @Bilbo Baggins 

    Fair enough, I just thought it would be less laggy than an expansion to the overworld's caves is all.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I am actually intrigued by the idea. I agree the world needs to be deeper, especially at the oceans. Would you consider having flooded tunnels in your dimension?

    Love the idea! I would like to see it come to the real game. You have my vote!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Cubic chunks would allow the expansion of the caverns, without making the world lag more.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    @The McExplorer, perhaps, perhaps...deep abyssal oceans could be something you could find here going up all the way to the ceiling of that dimension to give the impression it is part of the overworld ocean, lots of ghastly creatures could appear there too! Also what if these deep ocean/flooded caves were directly accessible by ocean monuments to encourage finding them and be an alternative award to sponges and gold.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This reminds me of a quote from Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings, when he's describing the "uttermost foundations of stone" - "Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day."

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Very good ideas! I think each one could be their own post, because it seems to me they could work even if a deeper underground dimension was not implemented.

    I think there should be a different way to get there than going down a ladder for several reasons:

    • Steve has to rely on someone else long ago/world generation to get there, which means he can't make the passages wider, or change them in hardly any way.
    • Older worlds upgrading will have to explore new chunks to be able to get down.
    • Since this place would be a different dimension, there would need to be a loading screen while you transition from one part of the ladder to the other. This would make going up difficult because you have to make sure you keep holding "forward" when the loading screen ends. (unless they could figure out a way to switch dimensions without loading screens, which would mean having chunks from both dimensions loaded at the same time...)

    An alternative is this:

    The player crafts a diamond chisel (stick + diamond). They use a chisel on a bedrock block, and it becomes a partially damaged bedrock block, and the chisel is destroyed. They repeat this 63 more times, each time, the bedrock getting more damaged, until it becomes cracked bedrock. Cracked bedrock may then be mined with a diamond pickaxe, and is either destroyed, or drops a cracked bedrock block which someone can come up with a use for.

    When the last bedrock block has been destroyed, the player can jump out of the world, and their feet will land on y=-2, so they are standing entirely beneath the bedrock. At this point, they will be blind to everything because of a fog, so a floor doesn't even need to created in the overworld, just a collision plane. Upon contact with this plane, they are sent to the underground dimension (presumably with a loading screen), and they find themselves with their head between y=254 and y=255 (same x and z), and their feet on y=253. The entire top layer of this dimension is the entire bottom layer of the overworld, so they can faintly see (because of the fog) the bedrock they broke just above their head.

    The fog would hover around all bedrock layers in the overworld, underground, and nether.

    So the player doesn't start suffocating when they enter the underground, the second-to-top layer of the undergound would be a transparent block, maybe "bedrock gas", "bedrock glass", or something that breathes like a liquid, so they will start suffocating if they stand there too long.

    Once there, you just have to dig down.

    To get back up, you just have to reach where your feet are standing on y=255, and you will be teleported to the overworld standing on y=-1 at the corresponding x and z. You won't get teleported back down by standing there, so you would have to jump out of the hole, and back in if you wanted to go back down, similar to how you have to exit and enter a nether portal to go back through.


    @Noobly20932 chunks are already cubic, that is, each "chunk" is 16 16x16x16 sections grouped together. The real challenge would be organizing them into cubic region files and implementing 3-dimensional world generation. That would be really cool, though - to see a ravine so deep the bottom doesn't even render because it's too far away.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    @ Avari six that is an alternative, perhaps your way could be considered in lore the way the mining huts appeared? Either way it’s a good idea and I like the thought of another tool in Minecraft, perhaps this chisel could be used for carvings as well?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    @PolarMammoth After thinking about it, a ladder would still work with the suggestion I gave, so you wouldn't have to change any of the lore after all! I guess my suggestion was additive, not alternative :). It maybe would be a nice touch if many of the miner's huts were unfinished holes (you find damaged bedrock where the hole would be), and a smaller amount are complete with a ladder.

    As far as alternative uses of the chisel, here are a few I found from doing a search:

    None mention making sculptures, so that could be a new post of its own! That makes me think of how paintings work, based on the size of the material you chisel, a corresponding statue is made...

  • 0
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    @avari six

    I’ll take a look see at those suggestions too.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Unaware of this thread, I recently attempted to suggest a simpler version of extending the underground, but Ms. Barlow removed it and I have no access to the original text. Needless to say, I am a fan of this idea. :-) Minecraft would be a deeper, richer experience if it allowed us to plunge past the bedrock in certain opened areas that let us slip through, finding another world below.

    I'm not so crazy about the idea of making this a "dimension." It would be so much better to have it progress linear from the point of bedrock, and at the bottom of this stratum, it's all deep magma (the source of the Nether's ceiling streams). I was not aware this was a technical hurdle to overcome (memory issue?), but it sure would be fascinating to have new creatures, ores, and challenges to contend with down there. 

  • 1
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    @Marc Adrian

    I believe everyone’s comments are considered on a post that’s reached the amount of votes qualifying for review, so I do not think if my post were included into the game in some sort of cave update it would be exact, more likely it would turn out a dimension that contains a hybrid of everybody’s ideas in this thread. So even though you do not have access to your original post, your ideas (Which are interesting btw) would most likely be considered just as much as mine.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Sounds overcomplicated. Just make it so this is an area that removes bedrock and instead makes the world continue on deeper. Everything else is nice but the ores could have more usage. Radium along with that could be crafted into a block that damages you when you are around it while also giving off an extreme Redstone signal. Along with tin, copper could be added to make bronze. With bronze, you could make new armor and tools. More ores could be added too.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I Don't think we need more dimensions especially just a cave dimension but we do need deeper worlds it is far to quick to dig down to diamond levels and not much of interest to find. Adding underground biomes, and structures which bring a sense of exploration and would give reason to actually go mining (since honestly you don't need to to beat the game at the moment.)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I like the spirit of this idea, but I think the real issue here is world generation. Build height is insane compared to sea level, and a natural way to create deeper caves (and oceans) would be to raise sea level a bit. But of course the best solution would be to render chunks in a 3D way rather than in a circle around the player, like with the cubic chunks mod mentioned above.

    That said, if the easiest way to expand underground is with a new dimension I am all for it. I would just ask that the dimension be made to feel more like an extension of underground, rather than a new dimension. The more seamless it can fit with the overworld, the better.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Sounds great however I think it could work as a biome That spawns deep underground with cubic chunks

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe it could be a world option; Default, Superflat, Large Biomes, and then Deeper worlds. This option would generate the deeper underground without the need of adding a dimension probably?

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    Registered User commented
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    Awesome idea! Or perhaps just "deeper worlds" as an option. Of course, the sky/cloud height should be raised, too, but that's another thread. :)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The idea of entering the dimension via a ladder was suggested to actually make it seem as if you are just going deeper rather than to an actual dimension which would be a bit strange in my opinion. This way you’d have a whole dimension to generate huge caverns as high as cathedrals without needing cubic chunks and the feeling that the world is deeper past “the bedrock crust”

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like this would add some great additions to the 1.18 update.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with this 100 percent, but I have an add-on idea. Maybe you have to find a certain place to get to this deep underground place (like, you have to dig under a mountain or shipwreck) in order to find it.