Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


Dimension: The Abyss


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  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    THIS IS AMAZING. i love this idea they should totally add it

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    A few things that I just noticed, maybe not make it so you can breathe underwater everywhere after defeating the Kraken, probably just in the Abyss, and this would make conduits worth making in the overworld.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I like mostly everything about it.... except pearls. I think the only thing that's good about it is the fishing rod and the dust. 

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    This all sounds like it'd be a good modpack...but 

    1. Can kraken armor curb or negate guardian attacks? If not, it'd have no practical use outside of the Abyss (save the helmet);
    2. Are pearl items unbreakable/more durable than diamond's? A few more perks might make them worth seeking/preferring over the other armor types possibly found in the same chests;
    3. What use would there be for a new type of gravel? (Sedimentary stone may make a good decoration block, though); and
    4. If you have to build the same portal, then you'd have to hunt for two dozen hearts of the sea just to fetch pearl items, kraken armor, or heavy arrows that resist water friction.

    I like the ideas, but many of them seem so intrinsic to one dimension, specifically survival inside of it.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    DreadEmperor355 and Charles Hillman, thanks for the feedback on this topic.

    I've recently been playing 1.13, and I think that maybe a change to the portal should be made. Possibly, the frame blocks are made from crafting 8 coral blocks and a Nautilus shell together, and you need to right click the frame with a heart of the sea to light it (the item, I think, shouldn't be consumed).

    I didn't really think that much about Guardians when I was writing this idea, and I think that maybe if a Guardian does shoot at you, maybe you could absorb the energy and then release it later as faster swimming and thorns (This effect would be temporary, and it would lengthen in the amount of time it's active in respect to how many Guardians have shot at you, not how many time's you have been shot). The pearl armor would have this same ability, but the energy stored per Guardian shooting at you is multiplied by 1.5x and the effects given from releasing the energy would be 2x more effective. The pearl armor and tools would be about 2x more durable than their diamond counterparts.

    Soon, I will be adding the ideas from the comments and adding them into the main article. Credit to you guys will be inside the article. Thanks! :D

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Make this real. Please.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I'm blown away. This is fantastic! Pls specify how going to this dimension would affect your progress in the overworld. Ask this question, why should I go out of my way to go to this dimension? Which is essentially absolute death.

    That said. Would still love to see this come to Minecraft. Good luck!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    love this idea but i think that there should be standard breath under the water since otherwise its pretty much instant death.and also as Cole Brown said the kraken helmet should only give breathing in the abyss so theres actually a point for a conduit

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I love it an dlol i read the whole thing 😑

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Add super gardians to it, they should be a 10 by 10 block space and get nautious when touches poisinous barbs to the tail, and shoots a beam that goes through all types of prismarine and sea lanterns

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I love angler fishes


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Please add it please please please


  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Overall I think this concept is great.  Maybe not every single part of this, but I think and underwater dimension is a fantastic idea with all the work that went into Update Aquatic to introduce swimming and other underwater game play.  It does need to be complimentary and balanced to the overworld as the others are.  I specifically like the block light items the helmets and underwater breathing ideas and new mobs specific to that dimension.  Overall I think this concept is very good and would be excited to see it. To Craft or not to craft a way there to maintain game balance is key (maybe find it as a part of the journey to get there like the end portal) but having a new environment to explore is much needed with the lack of biome diversity in the vanilla game.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Better yet why don't they just make oceans way deeper than they currently are. Like maybe 500 blocks deep. I would go deeper but I want to say something that Mojang can actually accomplish.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Pls make this a real thing! I would LOVE to see this in Minecraft😄

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I think that this would be cool, but needs another aesthetic/mechanic to make is completely different from the overworld or other dimensions - so that it "deserves" a dimension of it's own. 

    I'm imagining that the "ceiling" would be like the land of the over-world but upside-down; lots of stalactites and any/all structures build off of this. After X blocks there would be no bottom (like the End) - anything dropped would fall to oblivion. But you could fly/swim.

    Magma and soul sand would work from the underside of the blocks as well as the top.

    Perhaps some sort of 'spitting' sea-urchin block that damages if you get too close, and maybe a slime related jellyfish mob.

    Home to an "atlantis" structure with a new "sharkfolk" mob (where the drowned get tridents from)

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    i think this is a great idea and i would like to see it in the game but there are some things that i would change:

    1. you can get pearls out of clam like mobs that will drop them upon death (maybe they can also drop shells)

    2. instead of boots you can make flippers out of Kraken leather that make you swim faster 

    3. there should be no effects if you don't defeat the Kraken but maybe one can spawn at very low levels until you defeat it

    4. there should be some sort of fish or plant where you can replenish air like in Subnautica Below Zero

    5. there should be underwater villages in large glass domes or it can be a series of domes that act like their houses

    6. the pearl armor st seems a little overpowered in the way that it is resistant to shock eel damage, it should still be the strongest when it comes to that but the player shouldn't be incapable of getting hurt 

    7. the idea of charging your armor by a guardian blast is good but you should not be incapable of getting hurt (I don't know if you meant it that way or not)

    8. after defeating the Kraken you should be able to hold your breath longer instead of being able to breathe underwater

    9. there should be huge abyss coral reefs but with different coral blocks so they don't need sunlight i don't know its just an idea 

    10. i like the idea with the ceiling with stalactites, the spitting sea urchins, jellyfish, and Atlantis that wizkid744 suggested

    11. the idea that andrewqazxsw suggested about the 500 deep sea and making it a biome instead but i am kinda on the fence about this one 

    12. finally i like PugGamer987's idea about super guardians and i think it should be more of a boss 

    overall this would be a great addition to the game, I love the idea and the effort you put into it.


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    wow. just WOW!!!!! Mojang i hope you do this it is such a good idea even more so if you do it for chromebook and mac and such

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Nice idea


  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    There are alot of pros to this, but as I say, you cant have pros without cons.

    Giant Squid- I like the idea of having giant squid, but having the giant squid spawn in other colors than blue would be a nice addition to the mob.

    SlimeFish- Overall, this idea is outstanding and the SlimeFish is my favorite mob you have mentioned. I like the idea if it duplicating after it is killed, but how many levels of duplication does it have? Also, if they attack like Zombie Pigman, how many SlimeFish spawn in one pack? These are minor, but essential to have a better mob. This mob is an outstanding idea and needs to be added. Whether in the Abyss Dimension or whether it just spawns regularly in the oceans of the overworld.

    Aquatic Labyrinth- This maze type structure is a weird, but amazing idea. Only question is; does the labyrinth have some type of roof? If not, the eels could just swim right out!

    Pearls/Pearl Dust- An alternative to Redstone would be great, but how does Pearl Dust act as Redstone? Anyway, I'm glad you gave the Pearl item another use besides Pearl Dust because if the only item you could make out of Pearl's was Pearl Dust, no one would bother to get Pearl's because redstone is way easier to get. Adding pearl armour and tools makes the player want/crave the Pearl's, just like how players want all the diamonds, they will want all the Pearl's too.

    I had more thoughts on this, but these are the essentials I wanted to cover. This dimension would be a perfect addition to the game. It's really creative, but not too creative to the point that it seems ridiculous and unnecessary. You did a good job at this, and I want to hear more of your amazing ideas:)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    This idea is very good, I like the features it adds. Maybe abyssal gravel could be used to make abyssal concrete powder, which if touches abyssal water, would turn into abyssal concrete, which is a darker, more resistant concrete block.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Overall I support, but I think the kraken doll should be slightly more expensive. Maybe in the empty gaps use rabbit skin?

    Also can you add abyss opal ore. It would be a decorative block, like quartz

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Wasn't the kraken the main boss? I think that Kraken Armor should be better than pearl as the Kraken is the main boss of this dimension.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps another option to get there could be a fully built (or partial built) portal inside of guardian temples, it would provide another reason to explore a temple other than to get gold and sponges. The lore could be that the guardians built these structures around naturally generating portals to the abyss to defend their part of the ocean from the horrible creatures of the abyss?

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    what if you use up all ya kraken armor? you should be able to respawn the kraken

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Me pareció excelente estoy completamente de acuerdo con que lo añadan a pocket edition y a todas las plataformas.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea.. except I think it should be a biome in the ocean in general.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    BOI why hasn't Minecraft add this in OMG this will be so amazing

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This is probably the very best idea ive seen on here, my only suggestion is maybe instead of having it be a buildable portal, have it be a dungeon like the end dungeon but instead have it a giant trench in the deepest part of the ocean, and have the dangerous mobs you mentioned gaurding a crack at the deepest part of the trench and if you enter that crack in the ground have it lead to the abyss dimension. I feel as that would make it a perfect experience to hunt the trench and find the portal to the abyss.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I really wish this got more attention, it was really the only orginal idea for a dimension on this sight, many of the dimensions are just taken from mods, this dimension was original and based on a theme that is rather unique, if at worst explored in minecraft recently (but after this post)

    ~~the skylands dimension dosen't really count as orginal, as it says itself it's asking for the incomplete and seemingly abandoned sky dimension to be finshed.~~