Caves & Cliffs World Generation Experimental Snapshot Feedback


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  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Hello dear Mojang team, i know your work is already very difficult but i would like to know when will you create a way of playing older worlds in 1.17/1.18 without forcing the game to belive that I am on older versions. Thanks for your attention

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Hello!  The download link in your blog post is incorrect.  Check it out.

  • 191
    Registered User commented
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    Could we get a gamerule for what light level monsters spawn at? That would be very useful for map makers/ survival challenges. It would also allow for easy forward compatibility for maps that are built around current spawn mechanics.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Lush caves should be generated only at 0-12 height and without lava pits

  • 131
    Registered User commented
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    I believe it is perfect, my only suggestion would be to bind swamps to a shore if possible because I ran into several occasions where swamps are just lily pads in the middle of nowhere.

    Other than that (please keep the slight ice cave glitch in mountains) I believe it is perfect to ship by itself right now. It is amazing.

  • 44
    Registered User commented
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    I was testing the first 1.18 snapshot and I was curious to see if the Savanna plateau looks changed. I executed /locatebiome minecraft:savanna_plateau, but the game didn't find the biome in a reasonable range. So I tested with the Shattered savanna plateau, but I got the same message. I tried 10k blocks further in x and 11k blocks further in z. The game didn't find the biome. I repeated this 3-4 times, but every time I received the same message. Maybe it was this work, so I created another world, but both biomes were still missing from the generation.

    Otherwise, the new generation is amazing :D

  • 43
    Registered User commented
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    I do have some small design critiques; clouds on mountains were really cool and it was really nice to see how high up you were, but I quickly found it annoying to traverse through a large cloud, maybe clouds could skirt around mountains like in real life? Lava near lush caves is a bit weird for me, kind of throws off the color scheme. Finally, I feel like finding a cave biome is like a reward while going through the regular caves. I think that the caves should be like the nether, where all the new biomes now occur at the same frequency as the default nether wastes biome. The old biome is on the same level as the new ones, as opposed to the old biome being a medium to find the new ones

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    I think this is very cool but, there are somethings that are not that nice like, i've found a stone shore biome in the middle of a normal beach and a small jungle biome in the middle of a savanna biome.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I agree that it is perfect. Though the glow squids didnt move for me, mabye because im in spectator mode.

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    the main problem I saw was there was too much snow and ice areas. sometimes just randomly in the middle of a plains there would be a chunk of ice spike. and in the grove areas, it's overdone way too much with the snow. makes it feel like another snow biome rather than a new one. Also, some ice spikes were counted as a small mountain. one even had a tree on top in the middle of a frozen ocean. mountains were also a little underwhelming from what i saw. Other than that it was fine

  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    Also, leave biomes the way they are in terms of how they spawn. The randomness brings back pre-1.7 nostalgia and will be great to have :)

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    I think the landscapes are looking way more impressive in the new snapshot. I think some of the cave generation is breath taking. My issues with it is the gigantic holes randomly in the ground and in all the lakes. I think the shores should have proper beach type things rather than awkward cut offs. I think the developers have done an amazing job and wish them the best. 

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    I've not even played five minutes, but already love the new terrain generation. My biggest problem is that mountains and the terrain, in general, is much harder to traverse, but then again that is the nature of the game.

    The way the biomes are combined is absolutely stunning. I managed a great spawn point and got to see a mesa becoming a mountain, some parts of the shear cliff giving way to terracotta, and a forest slowly becoming a jungle biome.

    Honestly, no complaints, 1.18 is already looking stunning. The only suggestion is perhaps more flatlands/ valleys/ etc in between mountains to make it just slightly easier for players, and cliffs/ mountains not quite as sheer so they can be climbed without changing the terrain.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I've noticed that on occasion I'll be spawned in the ocean when creating a new world. example seed: -4163441390651699079

    Also there appears to be random 2x2 or 2x1 sections of mossy cobblestone dotted around the surface. example seed: 280184795707064335 at -126 100 -406.

    As far as the overall feel of the generation, Its spot on. Caves are looking beautiful and the cliffs are real obstacles now.

    One concern I have is around the mob generation, lowering the light limit instead of only spawning in 0 light levels would still make the job of lighting up large caves easier without causing possible issues with mobs spawning in other situations on the overworld.

    Great job guys, I'm pleased to be able to play so early as I didn't get around to installing 1.17 snapshots.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Really good work! I love the new way the terrain gets generated. Ofcourse people loved the old world generation and always want to get back these pre-1.7 nostalgia. But I think it's time that minecraft should get a new make-over and this is exactly what I think it needs. Maybe you guys could add the old minecraft world generation in the world customization for people who do prefer the pre-1.7 nostalgia.

    I think it's a really good idea to seperate the natural variation in terrain from the different biomes. This way the list of different biomes much clearer. I do think that the hills shouldn't be the same for each biome though. It does connect the different biomes which each other and makes it a whole, but it feels a bit odd. It's like using different types of pasta's but using the same ingredients each time. It does look like it's different, but it all tastes the same.

    Also I've found a few strange world generations. I've posted the seed down below. For some reason I can find jungle temples in forest biomes, and sometimes I find little spots of jungle trees/bushes but when I fly over, they don't have the jungle biome but the forest biome. Maybe you guys could look at that.




  • 45
    Registered User commented
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    The generation is truly amazing, and is perfect for flying around exploring in creative or with elytra. I think the problem is that in survival, there are almost no flat spaces to build, and everything seems to hilly/mountainous for early/midgame survival. All flat areas are either small, or at the top of mountains. I think it would be perfect if there were still some flat areas to build on without clearing a massive area, which is hard in early/midgame

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    May I suggest a way of helping villages spawn without getting decimated in the generation (maybe foundations including in the spawning or integrated into the paths (i dont know how do able that is) other than that i have no other ideas at the time being and no complaints at all :) 

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    i like the idea of having mobs spawn only in full darkness, but as some users have pointed out in some comments sections i've seen elsewhere, this does make the game a bit easier. i would like to see it be handled by a 0-to-15 gamerule (mobSpawnLightLevel?) instead.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I really like that aquifers become broken down instead of disappearing when underwater. It looks much more natural than floating bars of stone everytime the aquifer changes its level.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    In the world I spawned into, I found a lot of the caves below -0 are completely filled in with lava, I don't know if this is a bug in generation or an intended thing.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    While at first glance it seems a little funky, it actually ends up being astonishingly beautiful when you look at it with some other perpectives. I LOVE how the biomes mix. You can get some cool mesa-mountain hybrids that kind of resemble the Minecraft Dungeons Creeping Winter DLC. Good job on the new terrain!!

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    This snapshot is really great!
    A few things:
     - Lush Cave Blocks sometimes generate above ground, but the moss blends really nicely
     - Wider rivers would be great with this generation!

     - The new biome rarity is great! Jungles feel more common

     - Sometimes the side texture of grass makes large hills look weird, there could be a different type of grass that has the grass texture on all sides to make the hills look nicer.
     - Sometimes large sinkholes break through lakes making them look cut off and creating odd waterfalls, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not
     - A suggestion: Large plateaus that border oceans would look really nice with large cliffs!

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    As a 10.5 year Minecraft veteran, I've found the world most enjoyable when the overworld is as wacky and otherworldly shaped as possible which is why I loved Beta terrain so much.


    Leaning into that otherworldly feel is crucial to the Minecraft survival experience I recommend having more common wacky terrain like those found in places like snowy peaks.

    TLDR: Lean more into the wacky otherworldy terrain types/shapes for the overworld that made people fall in love with Minecraft back in 2010-2011.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    i played and its perfect, but the diamond distribution its awful, and the nether its gliched the ground, also the end don't have the obsidian pillars, and i also found a jungle pyramid in a forest biome lol

  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    To echo a comment another user posted, it would be nice if rivers were able to spawn above sea level, since from the looks of it it seems that sharp valleys would be fairly common any time a river generates somewhere with a relatively high elevation.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I love it! The terrain is so much more interesting to traverse. One thing i absolutely love is how large hills can generate right next to the ocean. Another is when massive caves generate under rivers making them seem extremely deep. When 1.18 is released this may be my favourite update ever! The only downside is that azalea trees are extremely difficult to find. I couldn't find any and I had to go into spectator mode to find the lush caves. I also think it would be amazing if when at the tallest mountains, fog would show on your screen so that when you looked down the mountain you couldn't see the bottom. That would make the mountains feel amazing and even more interesting than they are at the moment! Despite how brilliant this snapshot is, there are a few bugs. Firstly, I founds emeralds on the surface. I'm unsure if this is intentional or not. Some of the ground at y 64 (ground level) is stone, gravel, andesite etc. There are also loads of small, floating islands underwater and above ground. I also found an savanna village a jungle, although there was a savanna village nearby. (again, unsure if this is intentional.) There was also a tiny part of the savanna in the middle of an extreme hills biome. I noticed that this happens a lot with small parts of biomes generating in the middle of other ones. Although this is only a small bug sometimes extreme hills generate without hills! Aside from that everything is stunning! I honestly cant express how beautiful everything is now.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Several times I found ugly mountains in the clearing, underground biomes are definitely too much, even several thousand blocks

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    This update is literally perfect. We all understand that your working on your largest update yet (or at least I think) working during the pandemic so take all the time you need to make the update even better!

    I love every thing you've done to this updates and my only suggestion would to have much less glow berries in the lush caves. From what I've seen, a good 9/10 of the ceilings are made up entirely of the glow berries and I think its a little much. Besides that... keep up the amazing work! 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    So, i started a creative world, and will write while i'm looking around
    Spawned in a giant ocean, looked around the seafloor for caves. Exploring the oceran could be very much fun now, when i see those giant flooded caves. Gotta get used to see ores like Lapis and Gold so close to the surface.
    The mountainous areas look great, found a cool mountain with a flooded cave on one side, but the clouds are feeling to close to th ground now, nearly every mountain is now larger than the clouds. 
    Found an Azalea tree, followed to roots down to -4 
    The lush caves look great, and the deepslate gives the caves a new and welcome look, some flooded parts made it feel like a very tropical cave.
    After finding a giant lush cave with pillars all around, this feels like discovering a new world to explore, very cool
    With all those Azalea bushes around, lush caves are a possible resource for wood underground, if you also kill some skeletons, nice
    Dripstone Caves feel like climbing through the jaw of a monster, and deepslate caves can get VERY dark. Also realised that most big caves don't go to bedrock, but are more often found 20-50 blocks above it. Makes sense, because otherwise you'd have a lot of caves with lava all on the floor

    All in all, the caves feel very amazing, i loved exploring them, and made a few cool screenshots along the way. The few mountains i discovered were pretty cool in their shape, even though some of them were literally hollowed out by caves which destroyed their shape in my eyes.

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    Most of this is negative critique, but I promise I'm impressed and excited about the coming updates.

    Surface-level cave generation is currently too frequent in my opinion. This has been the case throughout development of the Caves & Cliffs update. With the scale of the caves being added, and their high frequency, the surface is like Swiss Cheese, and it is difficult to get anywhere without long detours.

    While the 3D biomes are amazing in concept, I am noticing an excessive amount of what I call mini-biomes. It is not uncommon in this snapshot to find several mini-biomes adjacent to each other, all of which are about the size of (or smaller than) a sub-chunk. This seems to be most prevalent around areas of rapid elevation change. A few can be nice. This is too many.

    Caves under rivers and oceans seem to spawn with a significant amount of suspended gravel (probably more than intended).

    The new mountains and the meadow are gorgeous, and I love that biomes can be taller with the higher world height. However, I am finding it difficult (though not impossible) to locate flat ground.

    Floating Islands seem to be far more common than they used to be, and it seems a bit much.

    Overall, this is a very impressive change, and useful for demonstration. But the current balance on world generation feels like it could negatively impact play.