I have a few ideas for the upcoming cave and cliffs update.
First, the materials. There are four new metals that exist now. 2 spawn naturally. First, bronze. Bronze is a little rarer than iron and is a good alternative. And combining 4 bronze ingots, 4 copper, and one nickel ingot, gives you dense copper.
Speaking of nickel, you can find nickel in a brand new cave biome, the molten caverns, as well as basalt deltas. They are used for crafting both dense copper and titanium. But there’s 1 more material for a titanium ingot, steel. To get steel all you have to do is smelt an iron ingot in a blast furnace (Has to be a blast furnace). Put 4 steel in the crafting bench with 4 nickel and 1 iron ingot and you have a titanium ingot. Of course, there are the block variants of these ores.
Now that you have a supply of copper, bronze, iron, nickel, steel, titanium, and redstone, it’s time to use it for some brand new redstone contraptions.
Redstone extender- crafted with 3 dense copper ingots and 3 redstone dust. Extends a redstone line with no delay
Bronze repeater- crafted using 2 redstone torches, 1 dense copper ingot, and 3 bronze ingots. extends a redstone signal by 2 depending on the tick it’s set to. (By default two ticks)
Bronze comparator-crafted using 1 redstone torch, 3 bronze, 1 dense copper ingot, and 2 redstone dust. Works like a comparator version of the repeater
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