Steel pistons- Crafted using 4 nickel blocks, 1 titanium ingot, 1 redstone dust, and 3 steel ingots. Allows you to push 20 blocks and is faster than a normal piston. Sticky variant exists two.
Steel drill- crafted using 2 nickel blocks, 3 steel ingots, 1 redstone dust, and 1 titanium. It can be activated by being pushed or if there is a redstone signal going into it. The drill, when activated, will break all blocks (Except obsidian,bedrock, liquids, and ancient debris) in a 3 by 3 plot in front of it. As well as if any mobs are in the drill’s drilling radius, they will take 2 hearts of damage for as long as they are in the radius and the drill is activated.
Steel detectors- crafted using 1 quartz, 6 steel blocks, 1 dense copper, and 1 redstone dust. This is like an observer but for mobs. If a mob changes in any significant way (I.E. a villager trading or a mob taking damage), it will give an output.
I would love to have these features in game because of how it would fit a cave update (Especially the drill).
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