A variant of Stalactites in cold biomes: Icicles!


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    Armadura de esmeralda



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    La verdad si me gustaría eso sería como una estalactitas pero me hielo me gusta mucho de hielo

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    it should be icicles

    like drip stone but blue

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    They could be able to melt


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    umm i dont know theA variant of stalactites in cold biomes: Icicles?🤔🤔🤔🤔
    answer plssss

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    Like, what's the chances of a goat ramming a tree? Hardly ever

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    I would LOVE to see a new cave mob that drops something cool, like Frost Walker boots as if they were it's feet, or maybe an enchantment book.

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    wow very beautiful game is amazing game addonz Minecraft good softer

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    these should be thinner than Pointy Dripstone, it'll occasionaly grow longer until it starts freezing the ground, since Icicles grow from the cold and the water coming out from the end of them, meaning the more they drip water, the longer they get, that is until they touch the floor and attach, if it spirals with other blocks, the icicle becomes harder to break since it almost seems like a attempt to cut a rope on 2 hooks, it's a little stronger though it's being streched, if it's placed upright, it'll likely either not lengthen or melt, currently, if it's next to a heat source, it will begin melting until weak water sources are spread all over the spot it grew at, though these icicles grow very slowly, it gains atleast half of a length each day

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    This would go great with an ice caves biome that generates under mountains or snow biomes!

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    Registered User commented
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    Yes please ad this now right now!!!!!!!!!:) I would be super duper happy

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    tres bonne idé mais alor il faudra aussi des stalactites chaudes


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    it would be cool if the dripstone had variants depending on the surface its placed on like limestone or even a variant for the badlands would be really cool 

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    Mi volas Minecraft-Xbox-servilon

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    Today I’ve been building a house that’s really good in Minecraft you should build it


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    This idea is really cool, but it would be better if only the bottom half of it would fall, and the other half on the ceiling would dissapear!


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    This can connect pretty well with the new mountains and freezing mechanics.

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    This idea is cool (pun not intended). But in what biomes would this happen?

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    Elefantes que puedan aparecer en mecetas, sabanas y mecetas picudas junto con un nuevo tipo de roca

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    an update of the flora and fauna adding as new types of flowers and animals and bugs such as mountain jumps or crickets, ants and more like a deer, a new type of bird or something like that that would be my proposal for a version
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    Put an ice boss

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    ta buena la idea ya que los pinchos en el bioma de nieve estarían muy bien se verían super

  • 2
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    that sound cool


  • 4
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    The thing is, when you add two of the exact same objects with the exact same behavior, it does not turn out well, just like the squid and the glow squid.

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    ami me gusta la idea pero algo bueno que podrían poner que los carambanos se rompan con los ruidos muy fuertes como el de la cabra gritona que van a agregar

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    what if they froze you when they hit you like powder snow

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    I personally think this is a wonderful idea and should be introduced into the game in caves and cliffs pt2,I also think that they should be located near water areas in the snowy tundra and snow biomes but more commonly found in ice spikes biomes,And are only obtainable using silk touch and can be places as a stalactite or a stalagmite they only do 1/2 the amount of damage than drip stone if fallen on or squewered by,And finally if you stand underneath an icicle for 15 ticks or longer you get the frostbite effect like you do with powdered snow

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    They could have water dripping from them when they get too hot! :000

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    this is a 5head idea