Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


Deep Nether


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  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    That would be awesome not there should be easer to power it

  • 35
    Registered User commented
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    Neat concept but I'm not sure if having simply a more advanced nether would be preferable to an entirely new dimension. It would likely take a similar amount of coding too

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe it would be a spawnable boss like The Wither, but it’s made of crying obsidian instead of soul sand/soul soil. Kinda stupid idea, but it would make a little bit of sense...

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    It could just form above the nether ceiling

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    Good idee for a mod but not so for vanilla, ading new harder bosses is pointless, curently battle update is more nessesary combat mechanics we have now are a placeholder at best

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I had this idea but not necessarily a new dimension but is mined beneath the normal nether using a netherite pick (if possible any other pick would not work), the idea that i had is that the environment is three times as harsher, though loots are more common (like ancient debris) a new block that is harder and more blast resistant than netherrack, there would be more blazes, ghast and some new mobs that are basicly a higher tier that those two and some sort of a slug that appears when you try to mine, so generally my  idea of deep nether is more harsher, more loot, more intense. I can more ideas, and i assure you none of my idea includes or feels like a boss battle dimension mod

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be annoying to travel by placing block or using fire resistance potion to swim. With boats it seems more realistic but update is already great enough.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    That's an awesome idea because it could be part of the story line

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    That's a pretty good idea but we want something more "indepth"

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    And you travel 100 blocks in the over world. And the portal is made out of crying obsidian.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    so in the nether we have the piglins to trade but we can get a secret trade called the angleic compass if you follow the special compass it takes you to the gate or the opening eg at the center of the nether a tall castle like tower made of pure light block if you get in to it there is a half built nether portal but not made from obsidian its made from pure light block witch you can craft it from 8 pure light esents and 1 obsidian in the middle you can get pure light esents from left clicking on the light of a fully powered becon as soon as you finish the un built portal light the portal with the fires spirit which is made from pure light esents and a nether star when you light the portal and go in you would be at the Haven

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Esta buena la idea , peeo deberia q primero maten a los 3 guardianes y la puerta del boos de habra tbn q hayan como soldados para proteger la fortaleza y q la lava sea azul

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    The crying obisidion should be a spwan point in the end and you should find the portals randomly or make it of netherite

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    A good idea for a new biome would be the depths you need to make a portal frame out of crying obsidian and you must light it with a lava bucket. You drop the lava bucket on the crying obsidian and your portal will be lit. The portal color is going to be black.
    After your in the depths youll notice there is ancient debris in the ceiling as well as some purple vines. There would be a new mob called the nether rabbit. The nether rabbit is hostile on sight and drops 1 of each ore upon death. Exploring further into the depths you will find ruins that contain chests and has a menacing giant in front of it made entirely of ancient debris. This giant has 1000 health but it will be worth it if you kill him. He drops 3 nether stars, 60 ancient debris, and he drops a stack of each ore. Poroceed futrher to find a village that is made out of obsidian and a rare new plant called superwheat. Superwheat drops 10 bread per growth stage. Don't think about trying to steal the supetwheat though. The villagers reincarnated and made of gold have very good attack speed and they have the same health as durability on a golden tool. It does 2 hearts of damage without armor on. If you are able to kill all of the villagers you can have all the superwheat to yourself. You can also trade with them give them simple items like something from the such as dirt or sand and you could get your hands on some ancient debris. Nice!


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    If there is gonna be a new dimension added then it should be a new challenge for players. Harder bosses are not necessarily the way and personally it would be cool if a new dimension would force the player to use a mechanic/item that isnt commonly used. In the case of the deep nether my idea is that you would take constant enviremental damage unless you have specific status effect like regeneration or fire resistance (because nether => fire) or a entirely new effect made for the purpose of the dimension

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    That's a pretty neat concept idea for the Crying Obsidian, go for it! :)

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The boss should drop the way out of the deep nether

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like this is just a description of what the nether already is pre-1.16. This reminds me of a mod for 1.12.2 that has another view of what the deep nether would look like, called "the deep nether" or something like that. What about making the deep nether cold? In Dante's inferno, the final layer of hell is actually cold.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    That would be so awesome. I think there should be a better chance of getting netheritestuff (maybe the boss also drops a little)

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I don't like this idea because I mostly want crying obsidian to have its older function of setting your spawn (albeit now in the nether). I'll pass

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think they should make it work like the nether reactor.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I'd go for something different but still nether themed.
    Say "crying ocean"
    Opens a portal to a lava world, but the lava is blue, and you can breathe in it, and mine at the regular speed, but you can only use netherite tools.
    All new mobs in this "ocean" world have crying faces, and make whale-like sounds but spookier.

    There is an underwater fortress in which you need to defeat a boss.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It's a good idea, but it's a bit like a terraria, because to kill the eater of worlds, you need to get three hearts.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    No new dimensions during the Neather update pls

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I like it, but it should be spawned when you have reached certain criteria. Like obtained the new adamantine armor and tools.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    It feels like your just redescribing the nether as it is. Except for the guardians

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I think you can craft crying obsidian with a nether star in the middle of a crafting table slot, and surround it with obsidian, which will make it VERY hard to get there because you need to defeat the Wither at least 10 times to get there and prove you're strong enough to defeat the boss.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    If they moved the lava lakes up to say y=50 this whole area could reside below, this would only work if they moved the nether roof up to build height. maybe make this whole area out of basalt rather than netherack. A whole new dimension isnt going to be added, theyve made this pretty clear but adding this to the base nether would be a fantastic idea.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like the deep nether should be very dark because of the deep in its name.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I would like you to add some other way first, easier than killing gasht, to get ghast tears