An issue that became apparent to me about the new profession system of villagers, villages can easily become over-saturated with villagers of the same profession if there is an abundance of a particular profession-based block in the village. It would be disappointing if players couldn't make effective use of the new crafting blocks, just so that they can avoid this issue. This mainly seems to be problematic for blocks like barrels, blast furnaces, smokers, cauldrons, brewing stands, and other utility blocks linked to a villager profession that the player would more likely want to have more than just one of in their builds for efficiency.
My proposed solution is instead of an unemployed villager's professions being assigned solely by the presence of a work station, unemployed villagers should sell any cheap, low-tier items of little value, one of each to correspond with all of the possible professions, and will choose their profession based on what they sell the most. For example, to get a fisherman, you would purchase a number of raw fish from an unemployed villager, and when they sell out of that item and need to restock, they would become a fisherman, or if you bought seeds instead, you'd get a farmer, so on and so forth. This would not apply to baby villagers and nitwits.
In order for this to also function regardless of the player's presence, other villagers will also trade with these "broker" villagers over time (probably at a slower rate than the player). They will be inclined to trade with these villagers for whats needed most, like if in the population if there are no tool smiths, they will be more inclined to buy a tool item from the unemployed villager. If there are too many farmers, they will be less inclined to buy seeds.
This system would fit right in with the new supply and demand system among villagers.
Alternatively, there are other ways to address this. Such as having the professions of a villager be determined by whichever profession block is closest to their designated bed, rather than where the villager themselves are located at a moment. However this still doesn't solve the issue of players being discouraged to decorate using those blocks. Then it becomes a requirement to have a particular workspace close enough to a bed to prevent any other surrounding blocks from being detected instead.
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