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Silk Touch II


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  • 38
    Registered User commented
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    Silk touch definitely needs a buff and this is the way to do it! Kudos for having a sane suggestion. 100% on bored. Not sure why silk touch can't get mob spawners as is, could be seen as a bit overpowered but perhaps a nerf to the enchantment chance could even things out. 

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like it could be a good idea but it needs to be a little harder to get. Silk touch is roughly easy to get in an enchantment table, so i feel like an exclusive treasure enchant for pickaxes may be a better idea.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    how tdo you combine the tools?

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    What if you killed a mob with silk touch and they dropped their egg


  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    I would love if they added silk touch II but Maybe to make it so silk touch II is balanced it would be a super rare enchantment book you could buy from a librarian/clerk villager or to give wondering traders more of a reason to go find and maybe add it to the loot chest spawn table for the End Island cities but make it still rare to find or same for fishing but it would be like .01% chance to catch it, maybe something like that but  I don`t know. still it would be cool to have silk touch II in Minecraft.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    make it as an end game addition only found inside of chests inside the end
    I've also thought about how we can obtain certain mob heads what if a lighting rod(needs to be built 3 blocks on top) surrounds a caged in head with iron and when lightning hits it will turn it into a mob spawn that's stationary. idk

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Good suggestion.. but make it unobtainable in the enchanting table 


  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Monster spawners shouldn't be moved. That's too OP.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Actually, you can already mine the dragon egg, provided you block all spaces it can teleport to. Picking up silver fish doesn't seem neccessary, but why not, one more item to collect and probably cool to have something besides chicken eggs to store mobs in chests.

    Picking up spawners is the big one, which people might disagree on, but spawners are never going to be a top tier farm, they are super rare, super manual and highly unreliable to "farm". All of that said, it would be incredibly cool to have spawners to show off and use creatively. I never break spawners, but building around them is such a hassle and their density is just too low, to do anything cool with them by default. I saw some guys use single spawners for PvE arenas, but that's not great.

    I would love to have this, even if you had to repair the spawner on the anvil and use a lot of xp and maybe some material. To me even netherite would be worth it, ghast tears or nether stars. Something from the nether would feel right for some reason.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe not gathering mob spawners, if they keep the mob inside of them then having a portable XP grinder is very overpowered.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    How about they allow Silk Touch II but the enchantment is one-time use. You can still find more enchantment books with Silk Touch II but it will be so valuable and rare, the enchantment can only be used once.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    It should definitely be a treasure enchant, but I overall really like this idea.

    Keep up the good work!

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    This sounds like a weird idea, but what about having silk touch as a beacon effect so it is not so overpowered.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Good idea! I think picking up monster spawners is not overly op, because even though that might look like a portable exp source, it takes about 30 minutes to properly set up a spawner xp grinder, this makes exp bottles a much better option. Also, if you don't feel like using portable exp source, enderman farm are almost 10x more as efficient as spawner exp farms, and they're not that hard to make.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Honestly, if i can build my spawner farm underground i should be able to build it anywhere anyways. It should be not obtained from combining but instead only trading vilagers and be super rare. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    i'm the 111 vote !

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    if u kill a mob with it they always drop their head

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, can we please make this a thing? There has to be some fair and balanced way that you can let us mine all mob spawners with Silk Touch or Silk Touch II. I'd be perfectly okay with you reducing the total number of spawners that generate in the world as a trade off. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Personal I think it should be like a 5% (or something) chance for the spawner to drop with a silk touch II enchant. This way players will have a better reason to explore more. Possibly making it obtainable once (from a structure, a series of quests, maybe even from a black magic villager.) 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    It should be made as either an extremely rare enchant, or a top tier beacon effect. But if it is an enchant, then when the pickaxe is used on silverfish blocks, then it works normally, but if used to pick up a monster spawner, then it needs ATLEAST half durability, and then it takes half of the ORIGINAL durability away, natter how much it has on it.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Okay make a new dimension add a new hard boss fight. the portal can only be made with items in end dimension. So it's late game "make it to where you can summon boss repeatedly" there is a 00.0000001 chance this boss will drop silk touch 2 book very rare
    The only way to get it is to kill the new boss enough times.. silk touch 2 allows to pick up mob spawners..
    Only the spawner would be empty when picked up..

    Also add a new sword enchantment trapper. trapper level one let's you trap passive mobs the more levels the enchantment the bigger badder mobs can be trapped" when a mob gets killed with trapper enchant it drops only that mobs spawn egg

    This way late in the game we can set up mob spawner farms for all the different mobs in one place and focus more on building for grinding loot

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    What if: silktouch 2 adds possibilty of picking up mob spawners and if other enviromental Blocks thats not as denne as bedrock. Silktouch 3, or a new effect for Sword thats similar lets you get a chance of eggs? Eggs should be hardere to get.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    maybe make silk touch 2 a totally separate enchantment, non combinable with regular silk touch and make an extremely rare treasure enchantment

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    and cake too

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    @TrulyTails. XD you think making it a villager book would be balanced. I'm litterally pre diamond armor and I already have fortune 3. Efficiency 5. And mending as well as unbreaking 3 and sharpness 5. Making it a villager book would be way overpowered. It's simple bring 2 villagers too your base. And then one is composter or farmer and one is wanna break and place the composter till the villager offers the farm able resource that you have for me its potatoes. Then make a 16x16x3 farm and farm and sell too get emeralds now you have emeralds too buy the books

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Mojang already said one of the core functions of the spawners is that you have to GO OUT and find them, also using it as a building block for the new crystal blocks too I don’t see a need for silk touch II other than mining specific grass/nether plants for decoration?

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Waaaaaay too OP, maybe to place a spawner you have to craft it with eighth netherite blocks surrounding it so it's not too game-breaking? Also, make it like a 1 out of ten chance that the unplaceable spawner will drop? But leave it to Mojang to amaze us all with something completely unpredicted and better than all our suggestions lol.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    silk touch II should be found in end city ships as a 0.000000000001% chance

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Collecting spawners with silk touch was removed because of multiplayer issues but it will be much better to pick up spawners because the multiplayer is much advanced now.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    they should bc if it can break any block and drops the block of what you broke then why can't you get a spawner if you broke it you should be able to if it say it drops any block you broke a spawner should drop then.