Minecraft has a lot of blocks, but what if they had more? Why do we need them? Please don't just add lists of things - these will be marked as spam and removed! Also, no furniture, guns, or vertical/"sideways"/"upright"/"standing" slabs (yes, we see you).


The Quiver


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  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    You dont really need that space

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I always use a stack of arrows, and you can use shulker boxes

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Lelebees | This was meant for an arrow storage if you wanted to store more arrows instead of filling up your inventory.  And what space?

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    With the infinity enchanting on the bow, you would have any use for this item

  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    @Raphael M  That enchantment does not work for tipped arrows. Having multiple tipped arrows really causes a problem for your inventory. And no! Shulker boxes are not a good fix because you have to place them to access them. I know for pvp, this means death. A separate area for arrows through the quiver would be a welcome change.

    @raity41 You have my vote!

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Quivers would be useful expecially now that you can't put both infinity and mending on bows. Also, the relatively new different types of tipped arrows would receive more attention by the players. I would definetely use that.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    My original take on the quiver was too similar to what's here, so it got deleted, and I was told to move it to the similar post. I'm also gonna go over my problems with the original suggestions at the beginning of them. No offense upon original posters idea meant.

    My big problem is the misuse of this item's potential. It shouldn't just be used to store arrows, it should be used to make bow combat more viable. I'll go over that later.

    Heres my take:

    Description: The quiver is worn in the chestplate slot, and makes for using the bow easier.

    1. Type: Combat
    2. Renewable: Yes
    3. Stackable: No


    • Natural Generation: The quiver has half the likelihood of being found in a chest in a dungeon as saddles do.
    • Fishing: Half the chance of finding one as you do as a saddle.
    • Trading: Can be bought by a fletcher.
    • Crafting: I noticed the fletching table is being added, so there may be potential there.


    • Storage - Quivers are only able to hold 4 stacks of any kind of arrow. When the item is equiped, 4 extra arrows marked slots appear (I don't care where). When the quiver is removed, the arrows are dropped into any available spaces in the inventory, or if there are none, onto the ground.
    • Drawing arrows - The priority for arrows are as follows: Offhand first, then the quiver, then the rest of the inventory. All arrows fired from the quivers are pulled back 25% faster than normal, and the crouching speed is not applied until a shot is 50% charged. This effect only applies to bows, and not crossbows. (It does not make sense to be able to pull a crossbow back faster, plus, crossbows already have a speed enchant.) If any other item (see my longbow post) was added that used arrows and shot them by pulling back and firing, then this would apply to those as well. This effect of the quick drawback of arrows does NOT work on infinity bows, making mending more viable.

    In-Game Application: Using the quiver to store arrows would be useless in a game that already has you able to hold half a continent. It should be made to make shooting the arrows faster. To get balance out of the way, it uses the chestplate slot to activate, which is the most valuable armor slot. This also opens paths to a new kind of playstyle.

    People who use the quiver are trying to be more effective at long range, keeping out of a melee conflict where they would be at odds in, and instead choosing to kill from a distance. There could also be a small indicator above your armor value, or somewhere else that indicates how many arrows you have, and using a stack of arrows with your hand could automatically place them in the quiver for you, like putting on armor.

    This item will also reward skill, as it means you have to keep an eye on your ammo count, in return for being more deadly.


    Thank you for considering my suggestion. More to come.

    To the original poster, I apologize for hijacking your own post, but I wasn't given any choice.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I had a post about adventure type items and the quiver was one of them. It was deleted due to me not realizing most of them were already mentioned.

    A quiver should be implemented to make a bow easier to use, not to just use it as another chest. In my opinion, the quiver should be mainly for tipped arrows since they are not affected by infinity enchantments and there's more than 10 different types to collect.


    The quiver should have no less than 3 slots and no more than 9. Shulker boxes are indeed useful for arrow storing, however, you have to place them in order to open it. The quiver could be opened just by pressing G or V or any other key to pull up its 'hotbar' no matter where it sits in your inventory. Like in the original hotbar, you can press 1-9 to select a stack of arrows relatively quickly and then just shoot. Above each slot will show its number and the potion effect symbol for each tipped arrow in it.

    Shulker Boxes and Quivers

    Basically a player could click G or V, select an arrow, shoot. The arrow would stay selected until it is changed by the player. Perhaps a quiver's abilities could be combined with a shulker box to still allow arrows, but also any other items you have. Pressing G would show just the slots in the shulker box with arrows in them. A quiver should be a mid-late game item but not the ultimate goal for arrow storage/bow usage.

    To the original poster, you're idea is great and would make PvP and PvE very interesting. The quiver should be more than just a ridiculous amount of storage for just one type of item.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    great idea! and You shouldnt have to open the quiver to use the arrow s in it

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I propose a counter request. Yes, quivers are a good idea but not with current bows. noone usues that many arrows at one time without being able to refill safely. However, If arrows normally had much smaller stacks such as 1 arrow or mabye 4 arrows per stack a quiver would allow you to hold much more than you normally would yet not becoming over powerd. I mean how many arrows can you hold in 2 hands? Even if you can hold several quitillion tons you can only carry somany. Doesnt make since to be able to carry hundereds without the help of an external storage aid. Also you should only be able to have one quiver at a atime

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Absolutely needed and ive been saying it for a while now. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    You can just use your offhand or shulker boxes

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I see how this could be amazing especially if you could equip the quiver as armor and it showed up on your back, I would love to see something like this as I play an archer on my rp server

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Sounds cool if the quiver could basically strap over armor and was visible from the outside 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I Don't find this idea to be any useful, shulker boxes are in the game and you don't need like 3+ stacks of arrows in your inventory even in pvp 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I think the quiver should be one time crafting non stackable item when crafting you can craft it with various types of arrows(5 type and 10 arrow ) it would save inventory it will have a drawback like the arrow will continuously change like first it will shoot 1 type then second then third it would only be placed on the shield slot and will be visible behind player like in real life it will reduce time to fire arrow but reduce defense armour of the player.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This could be a quick way of switching through different types of Tipped Arrows.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think, for this is a backpack slot necessary.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    maybe to get a update on it you only use arrow for the how bar,half amount of arrows

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    it can makes bow better and faster arrows or give weak attacks only

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I would like thos of the quiver worked like an ender chest and held only 9 slots.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    this was added for about one version not even a big one then pretty much removed immedietly but it should have stayed

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe just the three slots for three stacks and have a quiver slot.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Very useful... But a bit op so I say reduce the quiver to 9 slots of storage! Otherwise good idea

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The quiver should have a crafting recipe: 1 leather+one arrow
    And it should be worn in a new armor slot
    And should carry just 2 stacks

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    The quiver would not just be used to hold Arrows, but help you have a quick way to select them while fighting. The quiver has four slots in storage. The slots show up on screen off to the side when put in the chest plate slot or the offhand. This gives the player a choice between losing the shield or the losing the chestplate. The four slots would appear next to the hotbar and would display whatever items are there. You would be able to select different types of Arrows by shifting and pressing the number keys 1-4. Once a slot is emptied, the quiver will automatically choose a new slot of Arrows. If the quiver is emptied, you will pick up Arrows from your offhand. If your offhand is empty, it will pick randomly from your hotbar. If your hotbar doesn't contain any Arrows, it will finally begin to randomly choose from the inventory. The quiver would also be able to store fireworks (for the crossbow) and will speed up the time it takes to reload both the bow and crossbow. Not as much as the quick draw enchantment, but a substantial amount nonetheless. This would support a faster run and gun as well as more specialized strategy for those who are willing to forgo some protection.The quiver would be craftable by putting wool in a bucket shape with an iron ingot in the middle. The quiver would also be an infrequent drop by the pillager and the skeleton.
    Spacious 1,2&3: it will add one, two, and three extra slots to the quiver's inventory respectively.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I suggest adding a quiver with 9 inventory slots. Only arrows of any kind could be stored in it. The quiver would be worn in place of the breastplate (or a place for the back if added). When wearing a quiver filled with several types of arrows, we will be able to click a certain key and display a small inventory with the ability to quickly select the pile of arrows we shoot.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This would be really nice if the Infinity enchant only reduced the chance of using ammo, it'd be even nicer if there was a specific amour slot for it like a back slot but thats a whole other thing

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think 27 slots is a bit much, maybe 9 at most. But I love the idea otherwise!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    @mad3nder mad3nder

    Liked you idea, let's add to it.

    - Shift right click with the bow in hands to change between the quiver slots (4 slots its an amazing number, no more needed).

    - Arrows need to be nerfed in some way, maybe 16 arrows per stack.

    - Tipped arrows need to be easier to craft (no need for the dragon breath for this).