Although waterfalls can spawn in Minecraft, they are undetailed and need an upgrade. It could start by a fairly wide (about 10) river on a large mountain and instead of finishing the other end of the mountain it should just suddenly stop and have a flat face where the water will come cascading down. It can have a bit of terrain but where the water flows should be flat. It will then meet up with a river and continue going. Some features is that Salmon can be seen climbing up the waterfall sometimes. There could be a new structure called the Watermill. It can only generate when the waterfall is near a village, it will be a water wheel with a rustic style building on the side sitting on a small ledge. It could have a stair case going down. Inside will be a villager (this is why its near a village) with some chests which will contain similar things to what you find in a village blacksmith.
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