Minecraft has a lot of blocks, but what if they had more? Why do we need them? Please don't just add lists of things - these will be marked as spam and removed! Also, no furniture, guns, or vertical/"sideways"/"upright"/"standing" slabs (yes, we see you).



under review


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  • 259
    Registered User commented
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    These are actually really good food ideas, I have to say, especially because you only propose one food item and then integrate it in to the rest of the game. Well done. However, I want to repeat something I've said before, which is that the devs need to add an incentive for players to consume a diverse diet before adding foods like this. Otherwise, people will keep eating steak for the whole game and never even try foods like these.

    Also, wouldn't you want to smelt the rice before eating it?

  • 105
    Registered User commented
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    Here is an idea to farm rice.

    In 1.13 they add the new water mechanics, so you can fill halfslabs with water. If they make a dirt halfslab (like planned back in the days). You can fill it with water and farm the rice in it, Becaus in Real life you farm rice in water.

  • 52
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe the seeds should drop from destroying sea grass instead.

  • 75
    Registered User commented
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    This would be a great addition to the Cherry Blossom Biome ;)


    Also, the idea of using water to farm Rice sounds unique!  Cranberries would be another crop that could do the same thing. (And would look very pretty)

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea, as long as you can't eat 1 little piece of rice by itself and heal half a shank. 

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    rice + bowl + chicken + carrot = bowl of stuff 

    bowl of stuff - furnace = fried rice

  • 51
    Registered User commented
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    Don't forget this'd help with giving Squids more use by adding some calamari-sushi.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    I think it should be able to be planted anywhere like other crops, but grow way faster when planted in water

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    Mochi ice cream could be made with rice, sugar, and milk.

    Wikipedia page for mochi ice cream: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mochi_ice_cream

  • 70
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps you could use a cauldron to boil the rice in some way (And prep other foods as well with a boiling method). It'd add more use to the cauldron, too!

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    @Mushroomtastic You are a genius! This actually gives me a reason to craft a cauldron for once. Seriously though, using the cauldron as a pot to boil things is a good idea. Incentive-wise, I think it would grow faster and produce more food than wheat, potatoes, etc.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    I love this idea and the rice would fit the bamboo and the panda of the pillage and pillage update

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Friend,I think you ideas are good.Everyone have to share the ideas!

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Barnyard grass can grows in swamp biome and Jungle biome.After break the barnyard grass can drop out the rice seed!

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    We need this as an alternative crop in their biomes. Where rice is, wheat should not be findable.

    Another things that can make it more comparable to wheat is to make Bread require baking from a Dough item.

    This would make rice more convenient in crafting, whereas Bread should remain more filling.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    A plant in one block deep water! It's so cool and would make lakes nice. 

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    better yet, being able to make onigiri with just rice and kelp would be cool as well


  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I'm interested.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I really like this idea. What if you could find wild rice plants in rivers and swamps

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    I think there are multiple sides to the “why” of this proposal. First, adding more food and plants adds more diversity to the look and life of the game; I’ve seen lots of people asking for more plants, especially things like different trees and crops. With rice, this opens not only a more interesting menu, but new builds and build styles. It would be cool to see how different players style their houses and farms, with crops that can be submerged. Second, the rice could have unique functions that make it a good alternative to steak or other foods. Maybe rice isn’t as filling, but it grows much faster or is easier to find. Maybe rice is worth more to trade with villagers, or maybe crafting rice recipies have more value as an end-product than other meats. Finally, I think the rice plant fits in with lots of other suggestions I’ve seen people asking for, even beyond more diverse plants and food. Lots of people ask for cherry blossom trees, and if they were added, rice would make a great addition to that update. People are also look for more items that can be waterlogged, items that can be farmed differently, items that are multiple blocks tall. Rice fits in with many of these wants and ideas, and beyond that, it’s just a really cool idea that absolutely fits in with the creativity that Minecraft is all about. And who doesn’t want some mochi?

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    this would be an AWSOME food to have (i love rice)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    YES PLEASE! Maybe have rice grass that differs from wheat grass?  (Bedrock Player)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe a bag of rice would be 9 stacks of 64 and the bags non-Stackable.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I really like this idea and I think that there should be bowls that you can place on blocks to put rice in!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Wow! I think that should be in Minecraft.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I was skeptical when I first saw the post, but then I realized your idea has potential. Voted!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Always game for more food!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I like this idea but it does not add any new game mechanic, so what would be the point ?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    omg i would LOVe to become a weeb in minecraft. 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    This is a great idea, I feel having more food in Minecraft would be awesome. Not only is rice easy to make, but I bet it would bring up that hunger bar to its fullest point. With the addition of pandas, the rice fits perfectly!