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(Availability) Bedrock engine on Mac & Linux


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  • 307
    Registered User commented
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    I support the title of this issue, but not the text of it. I do want to see the Bedrock engine supported on MacOS and Linux, however I am not requesting it at the expense of the Java edition. In fact, I would prefer Bedrock never make it to Linux or MacOS if it could only be done by taking developers off of the Java edition. Furthermore, it hardly seems worth the effort of attempting to allow crossplay between Bedrock and Java, and I specifically request that Mojang not allocate resources toward that effort.

  • 167
    Registered User commented
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    how is there no bedrock for Mac when there is a bedrock for Windows

  • 122
    Registered User commented
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    My son would like to be able to access all of his worlds and work that he has done on his Xbox One and Mobile versions of Minecraft on my Mac. We’ve purchased him the PC/Mac version of Minecraft, the Xbox One version of Minecraft, the Android version of Minecraft, and the IOS version of Minecraft. It’s crazy that you cannot at least access the save game files from those other platforms on the Mac Java version of Minecraft. Please release a Bedrock version of Minecraft for Mac OSX soon!


    A dad being bugged to death by his son.

  • 54
    Registered User commented
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    I have two nephews who love Minecraft, and play on iPads.  I am not looking forward to telling them that the soon-to-be family computer, which’ll probably be a Mac Mini, doesn’t work with the levels they, and I, have been working on.

    Please provide a port of Bedrock to MacOS, or make Minecraft Realms work seamlessly from Bedrock to and from Java Edition (extra-step level exporters and importers don’t count!).  Just please, pick one, or both, and make that work well!


  • 50
    Registered User commented
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    Please, port the bedrock engine on mac... My son wants me to play with him, I'm on mac, no other solution. I know I'm not the only one asking it.

  • 61
    Registered User commented
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    Please make a Mac version of bedrock! I would even pay again for it.

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    Please, make a bedrock edition for mac.  I have been playing Minecraft on my mac for about 5 years now so personally, I would love to be able to play with my friends who don't have the java edition version.  It's called the "Better Together" update for a reason. If already had Minecraft for mac it would only make sense to allow those users to crossplay, too.  Therefore, I would prefer to have a bedrock edition for mac so that I don't have to pay another $30 in my life because I have also had Minecraft for Xbox 360 and spending over sixty dollars on one game is too much for a kid who doesn't get paid. 

  • 45
    Registered User commented
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    bedrock runs on a mac already - in the Minecraft education edition - so it's not a technical issue it's a business one...

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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     I want to add a massive +1 for adding mac support for Bedrock. Being able to have cross platform play is fully within the "Minecraft spirit". And if the engine already has support for macOS in the educational version, it shouldn't be that hard to bring it to the regular version.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to have the bedrock version of Minecraft available on my MacBook so I don't have to use Bootcamp to install Windows on my Mac and get it that way. It would open up the Bedrock player base by quite a lot.

  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    there is a desperate (for the community, not for Minecraft or mojang) need for bedrock to come for Mac and linux. if mojang is thinking it won't be cost effective then they could perhaps make a way to ask their players from every platform (through UI popups and such, or I suppose any means really) whether or not they should. if the end result turns out to be that not enough people would buy it and it wouldn't be cost effective then it would be the end of it. (for at least the time being)

    EDIT: I personally would pay triple-A title price for a version of bedrock for Mac that can cross platform with xbox, switch or any version.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    All my friends play Minecraft (Bedrock) in a realm, but I have a Mac. I want to join them. Please bring Minecraft (Bedrock) to the Mac! 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    beadrock version is made for windows 10 and android and ios only

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    This. I would like to access the features of bedrock edition on Mac. Mac users account for 10% of the market, which, while not the majority, is still pretty huge as far as sales and reach. Additionally, a large number of college students use macs, since Apple has a program where a campus can have an authorized Apple Store and representative.

    I however do agree that the Java edition should never be abandoned as a huge part of the draw surrounding Minecraft is the (EXTREMELY LARGE) mod community and the bedrock edition is harder to mod. Owing to this I almost guarantee that if the Java edition is abandoned, the mod community will begin to port BE updates to it in the form of mods.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Struggling to get a big group of friends to buy Minecraft because we won't all be able to play together

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I too vote for this. I'd like to play on my mac as well as I do on my switch. Same stuff on both systems.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I'd really like a Linux version. Maybe a tarball that could be compiled for multiple different systems. Maybe even one that can be compiled for Linux on ARM with opengl es for the raspberry pi and the odroid-xu4

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    we need minecraft bedrock edition on linux and mac

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Definitely support a bedrock edition for linux. I'd love to play with my friends on xbox and nintendo!

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The Java edition was my home. I started on it and I grew up on it. Having hosted several survival instances I have a fondness for it that can never go away. Sadly I don't use it and I haven't for years now. I have used every bedrock edition and I need another for my Mac. I'd like bedrock for Mac so we aren't limited to playing on tablets and the Apple TV. Please do this.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    My daughter and I used to play Java Edition on Linux on our respective laptops together. Now that she has an Xbox One, it would be nice if we could still play together. Gaming on Linux is one of my favorite things to do. Please release Bedrock for Linux. I know it's no small task, but we need it! Thanks for all your hard work. Keep it up!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    great idea lets also add a modding api to sadly i think porting the bedrock edition will be a big task for mojang cause of the diffrend graphical libraries in windows,linux and osx and revamping java edition's protocol is a nono

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    My sibling have mcpe on their iPads and I would like to join from my Mac!

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    It's really weird, that there is no Mac version in the Mac App Store available. There are two options: Build a bridge between Java and Bedrock to generate an even larger community around Minecraft OR simply make a bedrock available for Mac next to the Java edition. So console players can join a server to build a city while others with their fancy java-shaders building some nice houses... Any release to another platform without supporting java edition makes the gap between this communities larger. Think about the Minecraft citybuild servers. Thousands of players in one community, and there are thousands of community world-wide. We really need this bridge.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This is a good idea, however I think that it could be a while until it is added to the game.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Plz I really want bedrock on my imac pro

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Please, Mojang! <3 I wanna share the same Realm I'm playing on my Switch but I don't really wanna install Windows just for that.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    My kid plays on Xbox and i want to play with him on my Mac.

    Is this in the works? Can we get a timeline?

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I really want to be able to play Minecraft on my Macbook with my brother which plays on his phone!

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I agree to the title. Not to the context tho...

    I have purchased IOS, PC, and the Nintendo Switch Minecraft editions which are all bedrock versions now.

    Being one of those who loves to play the same world in different platforms I have also subscribed for Minecraft Realms.

    However, it is a sad thing to know that the Bedrock edition of Minecraft does not support Mac OS.

    Since, Java and Bedrock is quite a big difference I do not expect them to cross-play with other platforms let alone play with different versions or editions.

    I would really like the DEVs to think about importing the Bedrock edition to Mac OS as well.

    I really hope this would happen in the near future.