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Add the ability to disable autosaving and to exit without saving

under review


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  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    For the two scenarios provided, I agree that everyone should be able to experiment equally in their game without being limited by their platforms. Not sure if allowing player to disable autosave is the right solution, but there should be a solution.

    The interruptions scenario however does not really match to this suggestion. First, everyone has distractions and interruptions, not sure why you'd think that only applies to console. Second, not saving the world isn't a solution tot he interruptions. The solution for interruptions is to be able to pause the game. For which I had posted a suggestion here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360009305432-Ability-to-pause-single-player-games-Bedrock-

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    You covered all the reasons why we need optional auto-save, I hope it gets added soon, minecraft just isn't the same without it.

  • 35
    Registered User commented
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    Yes! Bring back disable autosave and exit without saving. Honestly dont even want to play the game like this cause as said above it takes away the ability to experiment. I always play hard survival so on this version of you wanna try something your stuck with it or you waste a lot of supplies. I love minecraft but this ruins it.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    It should be considered a cheat, i like it though!

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    If they add it I hope it isn't considered a cheat

  • 33
    Registered User commented
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    I am LIVID right now!  Words can not properly describe how frustrated I am!  I had spent hours crafting diamond equipment and enchanting them to optimize them in as best as I could, and after a while, I find a Desert Temple.  It's the first one I ever found, I had never been in them before, and I went to explore.  After carefully finding a way to make it down to the treasure, Before I even check all the chests, I get curious and step on the pressure plate.  Seconds later, KABOOM!  I'M DEAD!  

    I WAS going to go back to the my last save since the last time I died I was playing the Wii U version, and now playing on the Switch.  BUT NO!  Instead it SAVES MY LOSS and punishes me to have to start over finding diamonds, getting the enchantments, and using up MORE time that I DO NOT HAVE!




    HEARD OF A GAME THAT SAVES A LOSS OF PROGRESS AUTOMATICALLY!  Maybe I'm just too old but I'm trying to connect with my nephew through Minecraft, and all this STUPID auto-save bologna does is make me WASTE MY TIME!

    I want to see this fixed PRONTO!

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    As the owner of a xbox 360 TU12 world that transferred to xbox one, I have invested an infinite amount of time along with many members of my community world. It is unacceptable to allow a highly prized project of this magnitude to deal with the risks of autosave and saving on exit. I have dealt with many kinds of people that cause many damages, and without these features being added, it would be a loss. I am not creating a copy everytime I load it and I am not going to Bedrock until these features are realized by the developers.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Isn’t that one of the uses of duplicating worlds as backups?  I started doing that after I rode my horse over the edge of a ravine and into a lake of lava while carrying all of my valuables.

    And OtakuMan25, all of us have had our total wipe-outs while playing survival.  I was carrying literally all I had in the above situation and I had my bout of shouting at the iPad also.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    360 Ver. Save format preferred.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Basically I wish to ask if a stand alone save feature could be added.

    As many times I have played I have wanted to save my gameplay as Im nearing a dangerious place (near lava) or accomplished a (very long build session) only to either stop and exit/save or die in the most common cases and lose everything as the game saves the moment I decide to leave or try to recover what Ive lost.

    In some rare cases the ext/save function has trapped me or placed my character in a situtation where I can do little or nothing, in those cases I have had to start a new world every time.

    I hope the idea of a stand alone SAVE GAME function will be considered for addition to the game.

    Thank You,


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This auto save should work with windows and all the other minecraft versions as well instead of just xbox one edition.  This could be handy for mini games but it would be nice to have auto save off and on option because it does take away the projects if people end up rebuilding. I don't like copying all the time. Hope it goes in the game options. I agree with OtakuMan25 because I see other games have this option and I wouldn't ask.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I'd prefer "make backup" and "restore from backup" buttons. If this were added, it would definitely need to be creative/cheats-only.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    It is already possible to make a backup.  Copy the world, and rename the copy to “backup.”  To reload the backup, delete the original, and rename the backup to the original’s name.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con esta publicación, minecraft bedrock edition necesita la opción de deshabilitar el autoguardado y que nosotros los usuarios podamos guardar cuando nosotros queramos a nuestra conveniencia, yo tengo un mundo que llevo con el desde mucho tiempo donde estoy creando arquitecturas colosales, ese mundo lo tengo en minecraft xbox one edition y desde que salio el minecraft bedrock lo he querido pasar pero solamente por que no tiene la opción de deshabilitar el autoguardado yo no me paso al minecraft bedroc edition, pero¿por que? ¿no lo paso? por que he tenido a lo largo del tiempo muchos atentados en mi mundo y gracias a que esta la opcion de guardado libre me he salvado de muchas, claro empece a usar el guardado libre por que sufri antentados que fueron grandes perdidas, y es por ello que yo no me quiero pasar al nuevo minecraft.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Espero y esta idea que tiene varias personas sea tomada en cuenta y que sea agregada al minecraft bedrock edition.                                                                                                                                                                       mi perfil: Cratos Mankekio jugador de xbox one edition, gracias. 


  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I don't see how just remaking the exact behavior of an Xbox one legacy world and its saves being a cheat. I we really going to die on this hill? Do you care that much about achievements and "Minecraft honesty" to not allow EVERYONE this feature? I see a lot more good with change not being a cheat than any real bad. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This has some business-ey, financial-ey and Microsoft-ey baggage with this. They want people to use Realms and multiplayer. 

    I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to just keep one version in the background and to make a new version with changes and either delete the new one if the game was not saved and to delete the old one if the game was saved. I'm pretty sure this is how Java Edition does it.

    There's the whole achievements thing but why not make it so we can't earn achievements when disable auto-save? The other route is the Java Edition route.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Why is this issue not being attended

    From pc, 360 and one, If its not broke dont fix it. The disable autosave was a simple and near perfect mechanic to counter mishaps unless you failed to save for hours. The copy world mechanic does 2 things wrong. One you have to exit the game in order to copy kicking all your players out and 2 it automatically changes the name and is saved as a seperate version of the world.

    The best question in this matter is why was manual saving removed from minecraft. On top of the all new gui and hard to use menus in bedrock it was decided that manual saving was bad, how so and why.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Please give back disable auto-save. I've had several instances of saving a game and coming back to load into a "you died" screen, or just no inventory. I'm not saving on dangerous edges, or weird spots. I save/exit in a house i took over from a village. Disable auto-save allows us to play and if we die because of a bug we don't lose everything.

    Please bring back disable-auto save without disabling achievements. Some people say who needs achievements? it is not the achievements as much as being able to show you built something amazing without dipping into creative mode. If the game was bug free, then sure....BUT it is very buggy and I have died too many times.... I don't even want to play anymore without it. So until it is brought back.... Good-bye Minecraft, at least until you fix this issue.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would like if mojang can bringing an update on minecraft aquamarine world to give a option to disable AUTOSAVE in the settings same as the xbox one edition cause if you died then you lost all your  XP you gather then you have to start all over again to gather your XP

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I've read the thread... But on Java you NEVER had the option and nobody cared... Please explain why PC players hadn't had this problem as there are no Mods to circumvent this problem. (Even with Optifine — no option to disable auto-save)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Being a person who likes playing around with red stone and tnt and given that neither of these things work flawlessly. It’s kind of put a hold to my survival world because half of it is rigged to blow. I kind of don’t want to restart a world I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing because I had to save it in a destroyed state. I also don’t want my castle to burn down again because lightning struck it. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    on the PC edition it would still be an welcome addition

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I want to be able to load my wife's world, set traps like tnt, lava, and lure monsters for a good laugh.  I would also like to do this without the fear of death in the REAL world!

    Restore the disable autosave feature, please.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to see this for all the editions in game. Very well done Netwin.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Well this would be useful people can use it to undo a death in survival as far as the exit saving aspect goes. 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Well this would be useful people can use it to undo a death in survival as far as the exit saving aspect goes. 

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    It’s not a cheat?!? if you die you have to restart whereyou last saved regardless. it’s a serious problem and like most said the game just is not the same. without this feature i will not play minecraft again.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Additional comment: Autosave causes the game to lag. This is noticed as animals, players, and blocks not moving or being interacted with. FPS (Frames Per Second) also take a noticeable drop during Autosave. Autosave does not need to happen every 20 seconds, and Bedrock player enjoyment suffers greatly from this. Legacy Console has Disable Autosave, Exit Without Saving, and Autosave Timers being set from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Multiplayer is barely enjoyable on Bedrock because of mandatory Autosave. All I can ask is please, expedite this feature from Under Review to Feature Added.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Being a control-freak, I never really liked it when the ability to disable autosave was taken away.

    It seems like when I'm going in one direction for a while, the autosave slows down my game.  Not sure how it triggers, like if it's every environmental chunk or whatever, but it's very noticeable.

    I also think the game would be more friendly to newer players if you were able to disable autosave to allow a little "oopsie" factor.  It would allow another layer of customization to every minecrafter, rather than just a difficulty level.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I lost one of two pandas in my world 😔. He spawned in a cave near bedrock level, and I tried my best to take him home only to get blown up by a creeper. This feature would be helpful.