Your dedicated space for sending us feedback and suggestions for Update 1.21!


Let's talk about the new Copper and Tuff Blocks!



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  • 114
    Registered User commented
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    I think Copper Doors should become locked when powered with redstone, but work like wooden doors when unpowered

  • 15
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  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I found the tuff bricks a little ugly if you can change

  • 48
    Registered User commented
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    Ooh new blocks! A couple immediate thoughts:

    • I really like the design of the chiseled tuff and the chiseled tuff bricks! But I feel like it'd be nice if those blocks were directional, so we could use those unique designs in floors, ceilings, and walls, instead of being restricted to only some of them for each block.
    • The placement sounds for the new copper blocks are so crisp.
    • I do like the features of the copper grates, it gives them some nice utility, and they're a good block for decoration. I will say, I've really liked the idea that I've seen some members of the community suggest though, of having water and lava be able to flow through the copper grate as if it wasn't there. For the contraptional utility, sure, but I also think it'd be neat just for the sake of cool decorational elements.
    • The copper trapdoors and doors are cool textures, but the fact they're crafted with copper blocks makes them feel very expensive, and difficult to build with in survival. I feel as though it'd be better if they were crafted with ingots, like we have for iron doors and trapdoors, so that they feel worthwhile to use in a build.

    Anyway, very cool snapshot! Looking forward to getting these in 1.21 :D

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I think copper should be a full wood type. For me, it does not make sense for there to be copper doors and trapdoors, but no fences, planks, etc.


    I can't wait to see the copper doors and trapdoors in 1.21 though! I am really glad Mojang is planning to add them!

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Please consider making copper doors and trapdoors act like iron doors when powered by redstone!

    This change would make them functionally unique from the current 11 wood and fungi doors, apart from just un-/waxing which offer little to redstoners.

    Now you ask: "but how would I open them with redstone then?"

    My answer to that is that a short redstone pulse of would open the door like normal and a longer pulse would make them act like iron doors which a player cannot open. Ideally the door would stay closed when unpowered from the longer pulse and another redstone signal -- a short one -- could be sent to open the door.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I love all the new copper textures and the fact that we have new variants for tuff. However I dislike a few things about the tuff bricks:

    - I personally think they look too cartoony especially since tuff is quite a natural looking block. Would love to see a texture that’s a bit more rough
    - The dividing lines between the individual bricks are too dark I feel. Also they could use a little texture
    - The texture doesn’t quite line up with stone bricks

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I like the Gale Sanctum design on the tuff.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    All the new blocks and variations look and feel amazing in game with the with first exceptions being the copper doors and trap doors. My suggestion to this is change both to function like their iron counterparts where you can only open them with redstone however also take the properties of the copper bulb remaining on(or open in this example) when receiving a redstone pulse then turning off(or closing in this example) when receiving a second redstone pulse.

    My second suggestion is the make the tuff bricks consistent with that of all the other brick variants since they feel really out of place when viewed next to the other brick variants(stone_bricks, deepslate_bricks, polished_blackstone_bricks).

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I like most of the new blocks, but there are also those that look strange, for example, the copper bulb, the extinguished version looks good, but the turned on bulb looks disgusting, as if yellow pixels were added to the copper block. Also, tuff bricks look very strange. The colors on their texture contrast too much with each other, especially the layer between the bricks, which is too dark.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    I think the copper bulbs should not be crafted with blaze rods, since that excludes them from being used by peaceful players. The list of lighting blocks that peaceful players can not access or can not be crafted renewably (unless they find them in the world) includes endrods, sealanterns, frog lights, and beacons. It would be a shame to exclude peaceful players from using the new copper bulbs.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Hello! Loving the new blocks and retextures for the bat, if there was any feedback to give all i'd say would be 

    - A slight change to the bats sclera pixel so the bats only have the small black pixels for eyes would be a great improvement to the model

    - Copper grates having the ability to be waterlogged would be incredibly appreciated especially for builds like farms or paths over water!

    Again, looking forward to the upcoming snapshots and loving whats came out so far. i hope this feedback helps!

  • 33
    Registered User commented
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    I think the copper grates should allow liquids to pass through. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    1-Copper doors/trapdoors should act like the iron ones or if you want them to be more unique : make so they have a 1/n chance of opening when you click on them, ‘n’ increasing the more it is oxidized (so it truly act like a rusty door)

    2- copper grate should have a connective textures with copper grate of the same type but shifting while placing the block allow it to have the non-connected texture (like how chest placing work).

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe the more oxidised the copper doors and trap doors are the harder it is to open.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe we should add a copper lantern for decoration.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    copper can still be duped in the stone cutter, marked as intended in bug tracker, giving 4 blocks for one is basic duping, copper is abundant now this needs reversing, i.e cut copper, chiselled copper, copper grates, and 8 slabs for one block ????? yet you still only get 2 trapdoors for 6 blocks, no logic at all 

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    the copper trapdoors and doors are way too expensive imo. to craft only 2 trapdoors for 54 ingots (6 copper blocks) is insane compared to iron trapdoors only requiring 4 ingots. as someone else said, 6 ingots instead of full blocks would be a lot better.

    and i'm really sad by the fact that yet another pretty light source block is tedious and a faff to get the resources for (blazes...). it won't work for peaceful players or for players like me, who's terrified of the nether and get too much adrenaline from the mobs xD i'm already left out of literally all the pretty light source blocks except the glowstone which rly.. isn't pretty.

    in general, really excited for the new update, but yeah.. i was looking forward to the copper bulb so much but as it stands now, yet another light source block i will never be able to craft.. (rip frog lights for me as well..)

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    The tuff brick texture is flipped relative to the other bricks making them look strange when next to them. This is should be changed for constancy or maybe bricks could be flipped based on your direction so that all bricks can be placed flipped or not. I tested this out with a quick furnace and pumpkin re-texture with the sides being the normal brick pattern  and the face being a flipped version. Seems to work quite well, had a lot of fun making interesting patterns with it.

    Additionally I also noticed the tuff brick stairs has inconsistent lighting direction on the individual bricks. The name of tuff bricks is missing polished making it inconsistent with polished blackstone bricks. One should be renamed to match the other.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Copper Bulbs:

    The new Copper Bulbs are awesome! They will be extremely useful as 2 block T flip flops, especially for bedrock players who don't have sticky piston block dropping.

    However, it seems like a bit of a missed opportunity that their comparator output is always at signal strength 15. I think it would be better if they stored the signal strength that turned them on until turned off again. For example, a signal strength of 10 lighting a copper bulb will cause the lit copper bulb to still output a signal strength of 10 when read by a comparator.

    Additionally, the oxidization state of bulbs could subtract from the signal strength. For example an exposed copper bulb would turn a signal of strength 9 into a signal of strength 8.

    Copper Doors and Trapdoors:

    It would be nice if these also toggled with a redstone pulse, like the copper bulb does. This way we could use an observer detect the rising edge of a copper door/trapdoor being powered but not the falling edge of it being depowered. It would also differentiate these components from wooden doors and trapdoors.

    Copper Grate

    These definitely feel like they should be able to be waterlogged. Otherwise they are a pretty nice block.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Copper bulb comparator output should have the same power level as the bulb's light level.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I love all of the new blocks. One tiny bit of feedback is I'd love to see a cracked variety of Tuff Bricks similar to stone and deepslate options. 

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    The copper door should be made with copper ingots not copper blocks.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Whoever made the new bat model, tell them its amazing!

    Also rabbits probably need a redesign they would be sooo cute if they become chonky little bunnies

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    I think copper bulbs should NOT be crafted with blaze rods but instead with a redstone lamp, since the breaking sound of copper bulbs sound very similar to glass being shattered. This way, peaceful players will be able to craft more copper bulbs, since to make a redstone lamp you need glowstone which can be traded from a wandering trader. Not only would a redstone lamp make more sense, but it just would be easier to make without having to constantly farm blazes for blaze rods. Also a redstone lamp is super similar to a copper bulb since both are essentially redstone lamps.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like the Tuff Bricks texture should be moved up one pixel to put that top dark line on the bottom of the texture

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I really like the Gale Sanctum Tuff look. I love the look of the Gale Sanctum.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I REALLY like the new bat. SO much better than before!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    New blocks are always welcome. But...

    Still no Copper Stairs and Slabs ? Why there are only Cut Copper variants ?

    'cmon ! It's a good opportunity to add new blocks from a plain Copper Block !

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    And... if Copper Grate are crafted with copper chains? It would make more sense to craft them like this than using copper blocks; Additionally, as I suggest adding the copper chains, the copper nuggets would also be part of adding them, yes, they would be two more additions but they are very necessary, in addition the copper chains would give more play in terms of decoration