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Rideable Sniffer


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  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Alright, as for this, i've got a few ideas i'd want to share, mostly, to make the sniffer different from any of the currently rideable mobs.

    Mostly, I think sniffers should not only be rideable, but also be amphibious. Are you tired of always needing to stop to put your horse or donkey on a boat to pass through any sizeable bodies of water when adventuring? Well, what if a mob could give both the benefits of a boat, AND a horse?

    Of course, to have such an ability, a drawback would have to be made, be it less land speed, the lack of jumping or something else. I don't think this ability should simply be free, an interesting cost should be put in action! Things such as the sniffer needing some type of food to keep it either moving or buoyant (ex: honey, ferns, tall grass, maybe even flowers, leaves, bonemeal or suspicious stews!). The second coming of costly transportation! (sorry furnace minecarts)

    Another possibility would be to be tie it to an idea by another User, that of being able to grow plants on the back of sniffers, where they would increase buoyancy and serve as timers as to the flotation time you have left. With one at a time falling off and turning into items if remaining in water for long enough, and needing plenty of time to regrow.

    Not just that, for more convenient use, it don't think should it require holding an item to control it, a saddle should be plenty, you already went through effort of obtaining and hatching it after all!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Make it among the slower ridable mobs, but also amphibious. It should stick its nose up & out of the water when in water. It should be led by a stick.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    NO saddle needed. Just the Sniffer's back fur. If you want a mob or chest removed just sheer the Sniffers back fur. up to 4 can ride or up to 4 chests. Make it among the slower ridable mobs, but also amphibious. It should stick its nose up & out of the water when in water. It should be led by a stick. A great way to move a ton of stuff for bigger builds or have fun with traveling with several people.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Since the guys so large, you should be able to seat up to 4 or 6 people on its back. Sniffer bus!!

    And I also agree with the idea of making it rideable on water. 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    The sniffer should've been a giant Galapagos tortise instead searching ancient seeds.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It’s a really good idea except you must tame him with moss

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    great idea