Enchantments are fun ways to improve the quality of life, strength and capabilities of the player, however with the ever increasing list of enchantments, enchantment tables have become extremely powerful.
In recent updates, new enchantments have been made treasure exclusive items, which I believe is the best solution to this. I feel like new enchantments will be split between enchantment table and treasure only, but they should go back and make some current enchantments treasure only and give uses for different in game structures that people always complain don’t do anything.
Here are some ideas for enchantments that aren’t treasure only but could be and and where they could be found:
- Mending: Ancient Cities or new End biome - since quick sneak is in Ancient Cities, would need a different location. Arguably the most overpowered enchantment, having a mini boss guarding the structure it’s found in would be ideal - should be most difficult to obtain
- Silk Touch: any treasure chest, ie. dungeon, stronghold, jungle and desert temple, etc. but exclusive to treasure
- Infinity: Stronghold - can still obtain before ender dragon fight
- Multishot - Woodland Mansion
- Fire Aspect - Abandonded Mineshaft
These are just some examples. It shouldn’t be overboard as you should still be able to get good enchantments from the enchantment table, but this will allow players to enhance already good gear with treasure exclusive enchanted books.
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