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Remove Nether Portals


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  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft is a fantasy game, not everything must be real in Minecraft. The point is that you can do whatever you want

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Oh boy. Minecraft is not completely based on real life, and that’s what makes it fun. If you want to make fast travel inconvenient and Minecraft as a whole too realistic, go get a mod.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    So, you want Minecraft to become too realistic? Why don’t we just remove all things unrealistic? Minecraft isn’t very fun now, isn’t it?

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I hate to be so blunt, but I think this suggestion is terrible. Mojang removed fireflies because they kill frogs in real life, yes, but they did that so that people wouldn't go trying to feed frogs fireflies. The fact that portals can't be made in real life doesn't matter because everybody knows it, nobody will try to build portals out of obsidian. Removing commands because "real life doesn't have them" is also useless, Minecraft isn't real life. It is a video game. Nobody cares if commands don't exist in real life. Finally, Religion in Minecraft just isn't necessary. Over the 12 years Minecraft has been out, not a single person has cared that it might possibly not support their religion.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    If The Nether was removed, there would be no Netherite, Eyes of Ender, The Wither, and Nether Quartz. If we didn’t have The Wither, how would we make a beacon? And commands shouldn’t be removed. How would map makers (Like me) be able to make maps? It doesn’t have to be realistic it’s Minecraft.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    literally nobody gives a rats behind about minecraft adding religions, if you want religions, get some friends and make a roleplay SMP. also these ideas are... not good. at all. goodbye.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    How is it possible that absolutely no one understood the irony of this feedback? Relax, they're just being humorous to poke fun at Mojang's decision about fireflies by extrapolating that logic.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Y'all it's satire, it's just poking fun at recent decisions made by mojang lol.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I don't know if you know, but Minecraft isn't supposed to be realistic. The fact Minecraft has unrealistic physics, mythical mobs, unrealistic health bars, hunger bars, etc. is the reason why it's so fun. If you make it realistic, you take away Minecraft's plot line and the reason why it's an entertaining and enjoyable game. If you take commands away, it takes so many fun things to do in Minecraft that are also useful. However, if you want realistic Minecraft, just download a bunch of mods and try playing it like that. Plus, the reason why Mojang didn't add fireflies is because it would lag your game a lot. Also, we really don't need or want religions added to Minecraft, it's a really bad idea. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    bro what, simply dont play it, the game is a fantasy game