If you'd like to see existing mods come to the Bedrock platform, please contact the talented community creators of these mods and ask them to take a look at the modding API documentation at http://aka.ms/minecraftaddons Bugs, requests for specific existing mods, feature lists, and support issues will be removed. Please put mashup requests and copyrighted content requests in Marketplace.


Replay for Bedrock Edition


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  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    If the replay ability feature isn't fully created and shipped, perhaps because only a certain percentage of people would use it, then at least adding in the hooks that would allow the recording of things similar to what the Java Replay Mod does. That way an add on could be used by the people who want the feature and perhaps different implementations could be made for different needs.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    An additional use case for this would be for players to be able to look back at an "instant replay" where they can preset how long things are recording for... say like 30 seconds or 1 minute... and while they are turning on their redstone based device... or pvp'ing, or whatever, something happens in their world they want to watch back, they can go to the instant replay of that moment, and watch back to see what happened wrong with their redstone... or get a better look at the device running, or see what killed them, or how. Many cool uses for normal players.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This would not only be good for creators. Sharing clips with friends would be right in line with the whole idea of better together. It would also be useful for players testing farms having the ability to "fly" around the farm as it is working to see where errors may be happening. There are a number of uses for this. Aside from those uses...this is pretty much a standard feature on numerous other games out in the world and really makes no sense to not have it baked into Minecraft.    

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  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    If it's enabled it should NOT disable achievements for the player as the Replay add on should not be able to access creative mode or anything other than simply recording footage for timelapses and things of that nature. I'm so sick of every camera add on being forced to disable achievements for players.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I really hope this becomes a feature because then I can capture epic moments when playing servers or in the game. The only problem is that this will take up lots of space and performance for devices like mobile, Xbox, or Nintendo which have already been suffering from a lot of problems. But I'm all for this idea of having Bedrock capable replay. It would be awesome and it would also be great if Java could also have replaying capabilities without mods. But Bedrock first of course!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Having replay for Bedrock would be a huge advantage for content creators. This will enable the Bedrock content creators the ability to put out better quality videos and might encourage some Java content creators to release some cross-platform videos.

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