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Add regular vines to the 'clip with sheers to stop growing' feature


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  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Definitely to bamboo, sugar cane and cactus.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Sorry for being that one guy, but I'm pretty sure it's spelled "shears" instead of "sheers." Nonetheless, sounds like a great idea!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Sorry for being that one guy, but I'm pretty sure it's spelled "shears" instead of "sheers." Nonetheless, sounds like a great idea! 


    How can it not be shears when you use it so sheer sheep? My vote is on sheer!


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    PLEASE!!! Vines are, in theory, SO aesthetically nice to add a little greenery to a build, you see this constantly in Creative builder videos, and even see them being used this way in Minecraft's promotional artwork, but in practice of actually playing a survival game it's impossible to do this because they will grow like kudzu in every direction. They're practically only useable if you place blocks around them very intentionally to sequester them in a Vine Zone (limited use case), or put string everywhere (not ideal), or use them on a build that is supposed to be completely rundown and overtaken by nature. (Even in my rundown build I had to remove the vines b/c my sheep kept climbing them accidentally, and there's no way to keep them from growing down to the ground!)

    We can clip every other kind of vine and it's so nice! Please let us clip ordinary vines so that we can have a little ivy on our houses without having to do actual horticultural maintenance constantly. Thank u.

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    Registered User commented
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    Dont forget my sculk