The Shatter is a place where otherworldly creatures lurk. The main highlights of the dimension are the unique world generation, with gigantic 100-200 block wide regular diamond-shaped crystalline formations suspended in the air over a massively empty open field of yellowing vegetation.
These massive crystals appear in a gridlike formation, staying above the ground by about 25-50 blocks with some variation. Occasionally, crystals may generate lodged within the ground, or high up in the sky, breaking the semi-regular grid. The ground is not deep, reaching bedrock 50 blocks down. There is some light variance in the terrain, with small rolling hills that reach above the median ground level, reaching a maximum height of 10 blocks, and similar small valleys that reach a maximum of depth of 10 blocks. The light level of the dimension varies, with a day night cycle that is an opposite to the overworld. Large temples rarely generate, providing a dungeon with a miniboss battle.
The purpose of the dimension is to provide a larger challenge to players who have already “beat” the game by suggesting the use of elytra. It also holds rewards for experienced players, like unique materials that enhance magic and armor, protected behind minibosses. These materials are intended to act as a sidegrade to netherite, providing speed and additional durability without increasing armor levels. They are designed to increase the speed of late-game tasks, like large scale resource harvesting.
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