So I propose the idea of a new zombie, the gurgler. It would be a zombie covered mud.....wait, that's not right. *Beep noise as static appears* it would be a mud covered zombie. They would spawn in muddy water, and could be made if a drowned drowns in mud. Also, if a zombie drowns in mud, it would turn into a drowned. Y e s. They would deal twice the damage of a zombie for it's melee attack. For it's ranged attack however, I'd you are 3-10 blocks away from the Gurgler, it would fling small pieces of hard mud at you. It would also be able to bring you into muddy water with it by giving you a new affect, "Muddy". It would make you slow and give you "muddy vision", which covered your screen in mud. The higher the affect, the more mud. It would do this by using it's melee attack, so you would want to stay away from it. It could only drag you in of you have the Muddy effect. You may be asking "why even go near muddy water", well, maybe there should be a prize in the middle of whatever muddy watery lake they spawn in :). Perhaps a good on, based on how many Gurglers spawn. Oh, also they would gurgle..more than drowned.....a lot, hence the name.
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