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Mob votes shouldn’t be a thing. (So I have my own idea)


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. Some people (Dream...) were pretty toxic last year

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Okay, but the whole point is the players get a chance to vote for what they want instead of just blindly spinning a wheel. What if the result was an addition to the game that very few of the players actually wanted? The spinning pizza idea would grow very unpopular. When Dream influenced the vote between glow squids, mooblooms and the iceologer, it was a real shame and I agree that I personally did not want the glow squid, but that doesn't mean we should take away the chance for all the players to vote just because of one person who supposedly ruined the vote.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Ive never done a mob vote before but this year I will , and also ive got some advice , dont listen to your favourite youtuber what to vote , vote the mob you want because last year , you could of voted for the mob the youtuber wanted and thats how an unfair vote happens , just go with the mob you want , and maybe youll get it!!!!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, they just aren't that good, mob votes nearly always cause some controversy... just look at the vote from 2020. Last year everyone seemed to be fine with the Allay, but well, I don't like the Allay