The ability to vote for mobs or biomes is a great concept on paper, but my first problem with it is the fact that content creators have a lot of influence on their fans, with the mob vote last year this was indeed the case, if a mob wins not because it’s actually what most of the community wants but because someone influenced their fans to vote for it then why even do mob votes? Big content creators can just influence their fans to vote for it and then it’s just a battle to see who has more soldiers in a battlefield. As much as I’m joking about it, I do genuinely feel like people shouldn’t be allowed to vote altogether.
My last problem with it is that so far the mobs that have won weren’t good, the phantom was just… I don’t think I even have to explain this one. I have no comment on the fox and Taiga Biome other than, just, Good. A glow squid? First of all, it didn’t even win fairly, it won with the help of a certain someone, and the only two things I actually really like about it was the glowing text on signs, and the glowing item frames, oh wait, that’s all it does.
This is the solution I’ve come up with that can leave everyone on a good note.
A spinning wheel, divide each side of the circle like a pizza and in every slot you put a random mob or biome, or maybe even past mobs or biomes from different votes, another reason I think this is such a great idea is because it adds so many possibilities.
That’s about it, that’s my idea. :>
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