When a mushroom Island spawns in it could have a 25% chance (or maybe even lower) to spawn in a corrupted mushroom Island these corrupted mushroom islands would have corrupted mycelium which would be a blackish mycelium which on it would spawn corrupted mushrooms which would be black and gray and have little white skulls all over them or since they're so small just dots and then the bigger tree ones would have skulls instead of dots the small mushrooms would be able to pop up out of the ground as enemies and they would rush at you to attack they could move as fast as a baby zombie but they wouldn't have much health so they could be easily defeated, the bigger mushroom trees probably would just be mushroom trees but maybe some of them could be bigger versions of these small mushrooms that would summon the smaller mushrooms and walk slower but deal bigger damage and have more health, then there are corrupted mushrooms both black and gray types the corrupted mooshroms would summon in the smaller mushroom monsters to attack you and charge at you themselves to do a little bit of damage to you then somewhere towards the center of the island could be a mushroomy themed dungeon inside of a temple inside the dungeon would be a bunch of good loot but it would also be filled with mushroom monsters and at the end of the dungeon there could be some special loot possibly a new mushroom themed music disc and a golden mushroom... Sorry this idea is so long the rest of it is in the comments.
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