This would be a neutral mob that works like the villager. It however can only spawn after you get the credits, and spawns around the world spawn. They are presistant and won't despawn, but there can only be a max of 3 per world. They are hostile against undead mobs, endermen, and all bugs. They run away from creepers however. When it is has been 5 minutes or is night without a bed, they will build a small villager hut with a bed and chest. They spawn with a wooden pickaxe and a sword, and they will pick up any items that are lying around. They cannot breed, and are tamed with a golden apple, they trade like piglins, but with different loot tables depending on ingot or gem used. They have 20 health, and when in combat will place blocks around them if the attacker is 16+ blocks away to block arrows. And that is my Idea for a human mob.
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