Copper is an exciting new ore in the Caves & Cliffs Update, but it currently needs many more uses. The Copper Lantern would be a new, highly useful type of lantern crafted with four copper ingots, four amethyst shards, and one torch.
The key feature of these lanterns is that they would would have a much larger vertical range. If you place some copper lanterns at the top of a 30-block tall room, you could have maximum light levels all the way at the bottom. I would suggest the range could be about 32 blocks below the lantern before light levels begin falling, and normal in all other directions.
This feature would not only provide a great use for copper and amethyst, but it would also make lighting up large spaces much more convenient and realistic.
Note: I'm aware someone else has posted an idea about copper lanterns, but I believe the much larger vertical range of this suggestion makes it sufficiently different.
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