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Minecraft Update ideas


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Love the idea! Maybe players can change the settings. That way they can change it if they love seasons or would rather keep it the way it is.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I've got a few ideas.

    Like the last commenter, i thought about the trees too. It is a lil bit strange to harvest apples from the oak tree.
    There would be an apple tree.

    We can get apples from chests and trading villagers. If we already have an apple, we could turn it to apple seeds. And it would be grow to an apple tree what gives us fruits every week.

    The other idea is a Titan.
    It would be a power golem.
    We could summon it from 4 diamond blocks and a wither skeleton head. (Blue color, black head, red eyes)
    It would be the double power of the iron golem.
    When we summon it in a village, we could trade with the villagers half price untill it protects the village (the die of the titan).
    After his dead it could drop a diamond and a blue flower.

    My third idea is a working pirate ship.

    It could be summon on specific location on the see (for example when it is full moon.)
    With pillagers crew, and more chests than a shipwreck. (Diamond, armors, etc).

    It would be on the ocean only a night, and it would disapper on the morning.

    We can find the location of the pirate ships on maps (from chest or trading with the cartographer).

    I think this would be great, quiet easy to put it to the game, and it don't mess the gameplay at all.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Wisteria trees/items :)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I was doing some tunnel digging and thought it would be cool if there was a block called (placer). It would help let's say you have a machine that digs tunnels it would place a rail down as you move along or you are trying to build a tower or anything else like farming building. It would be a relative expensive to craft but it would be worth it. It would be Dispencer on the bottom with smooth stone on both sides, a chest or barrel with iron blocks on both sides, a hopper at the top with blocks of redstone on both sides.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Good idea!

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Hello, I like to play minecraft but it annoys me when I find a sword with a mending... and I can't move the mending to my better sword, wouldn't it be possible to add some block that would take the enchants from the tools? But I want to get the enchanted book. Can you somehow do it?
  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I have a few ideas
    First one is checkered tile blocks and the second one is can you add coats and the last idea is can you add power tools

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    My idea is a Enchantment Update

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Can you added it to wear bedrock players can join non bedrock servers like adding a server list menu

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    You can't have different kinds of wolves in a super flat world.
    I suggest that you make the super flat world a new kind of biome where dogs can spawn like cats, where it's random from an egg.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I was thinking about new boss in minecraft with dimension, too. The dimensions name is Ancient, with old stone underground castle ruins. There is a boss, that spawns with end crystal in the specific obsidian. For the first time there I four bedrock in specific slots, but when the player kills the boss, the experience points will take you to lvl 5. Also it drops 8 bedrock block, so you can place four still on that slots, place end crystal in the obsidian and resoawn that boss. Its name is Super Golem, that has 600hp and deals 100hp damage. He has four kinds of attacks: he can jump on 4 blocks with damage 100hp, he can throw bedrock blocks ranged attack, with 100hp damage, he can attack you in melee combat with three punches, each one deals 100hp, and he can dash right through you and you friends, and dashing is on 6 blocks long, 3 blocks wide and 4 blocks high, and deals 100hp. The boss's sizes are: hight - 3 blocks, wide - 3 blocks, and ,,long" - three blocks. So he has square wide and long. Oh, yeah, players can't win against him that powerful. Well, they can use strategy, with which they must trap themselves with a little gap, and place water pitfall at the outside of that gapped wall. In that dimension, like beds explode in end and nether, water is poisonous, and takes lots of damage. So the boss will fall in, you attack with gap, so it can't reach you and water does extra damage role. So you can beat it with this strategy.
    That dimension is like a stronghold - a maze

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    A good idea far the next update is stackable positions. For example the maximum stack of 16 positions.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Show FPS in Minecraft Because Java already has it, but Bedrock doesn't have it yet.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe for the next update they can add hardcore mode like Java edition or something

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Actually maybe a update for the End Dimension because that's the only dimension that hasn't gotten a major update in FOREVER!!!!!!

  • 0
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    Make it so that the more oxidized a copper bulb is, the weaker the redstone signal from a comparator becomes