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Villagers can call Iron Golems if they see you stealing


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  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    But what happens when you place down a chest and the villagers see you open that. It's alright with piglins but not villagers.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I'm with Darknessfrog. It seems like a bad idea since we're the ones who would be building cities and stuff for the villagers to live in.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I don't quite like this idea for three reasons:

    1.) The chests are using a random loot table so as to encourage the player to explore villages. It's not exactly stealing.

    2.) As others have said, what happens if we are building a new village or rebuilding an old one? Either villagers would act like every chest is theirs (which is bad) or the game would have to store the coordinate of the spawned chest and give it a unique ID so that villagers know that any chest at that location is theirs, but then after tearing down the village and building a new one in it's place they'd have that behavior if you happen to drop a chest at that coordinate at some point in the future OR you'd never be able to let a village see you open any chest anywhere ever again. Depending on which way it's implemented, of course. Either way it's bad.

    3.) If opening that chest resulted in an iron golem being called it would be royally abused. All you'd need to do is attach a few hoppers to it, have a death trap surrounding it, and every time you open it a golem will spawn then die then give you iron. Not that automatic golem farms don't already exist, but that would make it possible to do with significantly less resources.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think it’s a good idea. You should not ever steal.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    It seems like that should have been the plan from the start. It gives players a challenge when they get to the village!