make bundle's able to hold at least 128


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    Registered User commented
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    Reasons why this would be op:

    • Can stack 2 pieces of nonstackable items (armor/weapons/tools/totems of undying/potions, etc.) per slot
    • 2 Shulker boxes in one slot is 54 extra slots so absurd amount of storage
    • Having bundles take up your entire inventory equals to twice the inventory space so 72 slots total
  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It's a really good idea since it makes them more useful in the early game, yet they are still outclassed by enderchest and shulker boxes, so these items keep their purpose. Still, it would be a bit of a struggle to juggle between inventory and bundles but it's a good step forward. If only there could be some way to increase inventory slots in a similar fashion to how armor slots work, but for every item (for example by equipping some sort of backpack onto a chest slot additional storage would appear to the side of players inventory)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It may be a bit off-topic but I created a quick visualization in photoshop of how could backpacks be implemented in a balanced way. So basically the backpack would occupy the chest slot and would extend inventory directly so you wouldn't have to switch between different interfaces. The backpack would drop items directly into your inventory or on the ground(if you didn't have any space left) if you tried to take it off. The slots could show up elsewhere since it may be obtrusive with the recipe book HUD, or the recipes could be moved to the right side.