I get minecraft bedrock has features that the legacy edition does not, however the sole purpose of a game is for people to enjoy it. Minecraft bedrock was fun for the first couple of weeks as it was new, but the menus, creative mode and even game performance is a massive downgrade from the legacy editions. For me, this really demotivated me from playing the game. Both games have ups and downs but I’m pretty sure many console players would prefer to play the legacy editions again rather than bedrock. The 4J team are extremely talented and for me, only creating maps for minecraft bedrock is talent being wasted. I get Minecraft legacy edition on old-gen consoles would struggle with the current updates so why not bring them back for next-gen consoles? They’re extremely powerful and would run Minecraft brilliantly. It would also bring a lot of the Minecraft console player-base back as well as make you guys a bit more money. What do you have to lose!
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