Let me start here by saying we need more totems. This is a definite yes. And here’s my idea for a totem that adds
- 4 new minibosses:
- A new ocean mob:
- A new helmet:
- Expansion to archeology
So, let’s begin
The first thing is the totem of resurrection. This totem is only able to be found via the archeology system. The totem looks like a golden skull with a black outline and magenta eyes. The totem is very rare and has 2 uses. The first is to resurrect dead pets and villagers. To do it, right click the block that the creature died on with the totem and it resurrects them. Though, you need to tame your pets again and the villager will lose any trades or jobs/beds they previously had.
But the main use of the totem of resurrection is to summon 4 new dinosaurian minibosses. But, you need to build the skeleton of the creature. When digging in archeological areas you can find one of theses skeletal pieces:
You will also need to craft an archeology table. It is crafted using 3 smooth stone blocks and 2 fence posts. These will be used to create the 4 different skeletons. These 4 skeletons can be resurrected into 4 different new dinosaur-like mini bosses.
Part 2:https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360075809192-Dinosaurian-mini-bosses
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