You've probably heard of the suggestion of Copper Wire. I think it's a great use of the new copper and would be a great addition to the game. On top of the ability to move straight up and straight down, survive in water, and be able to run next to Redstone without merging, I think Copper wire should be able to move through blocks. Not just through one like normal Redstone, but multiple layers of blocks. I present: The copper wire block. Crafted with smooth stone or whatever block it will look like, and copper wire, this block looks just like a regular block, except with an orange circle in the middle. This block is placed directionally, like Redstone, so it will turn into copper wire blocks and normal copper wire next to it.
Another idea I had was the Internal Copper wire. Instead of a specific block type, this wire can run through any block. Internal Copper wire can only be placed inside the block your cursor is on. This makes it so Redstone engineers can hide their Redstone inside blocks with this wire, just like real-life wires. It'd be another variant of copper wires, like rails. It functions similar to the copper wire block, its only difference is that it's a specific wire, not a specific block
Please consider my ideas, and I'd love to hear any reasons why you don't think it should be in the game. I think it would be very beneficial, but I want to hear what you think
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