Skulk Leather would be part of harvestable growths that come off the skulk, these can be used to extend the reach of a skulks sensors or direct it in a certain path. This could extend the length the skulk can detect by 1 block in all directions around the leather. The leather could also be used to create a skulk headlamp, a skulk suit, a skulk legging, and a pair of skulk slippers, this armor would be as strong as gold armor but as durable as diamond. The headlamp would be crafted with the skulk leather and either a normal or soul lantern. The normal headlamp would give off light around you and the soul headlamp would detect how close the warden is and give off more light as it gets closer. The soul suit could be attached with an elytra and give players a speed boost, maybe add a key crafting component from the warden. The soul leggings and slippers would give a speed boost when worn in water and would also reduce noise made without jumping. These tools would make it much easier to traverse the deep and focus on avoiding danger rather than fighting head on. The skulk leather would also be a nice addition since it can be used to make more exact points you want to detect. Please give this idea a like and get the developers to see it because I believe it makes skulks more useful and follows their over all cave update plan.
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