Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


Making Draining Oceans Easier


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe there could be a recipe that involves nine sponges, and it would make a super sponge that clears nine times the normal amount of water

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I would simply use the /fill command. Do "/fill ~15 ~15 ~15 ~-15 ~-15 ~-15 air replace water." That is the largest area. Or, get a command block with "/fill ~90 ~ ~90 ~-90 ~ ~-90 air replace water" and place the command block on every layer of water, starting from the top to the bottom.