Chalk made from Calcite


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    Registered User commented
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    I love this idea!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I was thinking about a similar idea! Maybe some limitations to be considered: can only write on stone surfaces, maybe some limited text space or preset designs (stuff like arrows and pictographs)? Crafting chalk could maybe be done in furnaces. I would love something like this for making memos in caves and mines, since it can be so easy to get lost.

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    Registered User commented
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    the only thing this would do is remove the use for signs.

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    Registered User commented
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    Chalk feels like a good fit for minecraft. But I wouldn't want to write text: I would want to draw with it!

    Chalk would work like a tool with durability. Clicking on a block would leave a colored pixel (maybe 4x4) depending on where the cursor is pointing on the block face. The chalk dust that you leave behind would be its own block like how Glow Lichen works in the new update, but you could fill it with up to 12 colored pixels. You can't draw on all blocks though - I'd make it depend on blast resistance so blocks like dirt or wool won't work. You would be able to dye the chalk from white just like how it works with wool, and it can wash off with water or break instantly with a brush. Probably make it from 3 calcite (and perhaps make calcite renewable by crafting 2 flint with 2 clay?)

    Chalk that you can use to color things would open up a brand new avenue of creativity. You could draw blueprints, make pixel art, mark pathways in caves, or maybe even use it to make pseudo-wallpaper.

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    Registered User commented
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    maybe we can use the chalk sticks as our advantage to get out of certain caves i just love this idea.