I think chalk would be a suitable addition to the Caves and Cliffs update because it could be made from that new block called Calcite that generates near amethyst geodes. This is because I did a bit of research on Google and found that in real life, calcite is a mineral consisting of calcium carbonate, which is also found in chalk. This means that a stick of chalk could be crafted with 1 calcite block or something similar. How chalk could work is allowing you to write text on any side of a full block by right clicking on it, this would make it a bit like an invisible sign that can also be put on floors and ceilings. For every character typed, some of the durability of the chalk would be used up and I imagine a stick of chalk having similar durability to a gold tool (about 30 or so uses) since chalk is a soft rock in real life. The chalk stick could even appear shorter in the inventory icon as its durability runs out as a nice touch. Another thing chalk could do differently to signs is allow for coloured text by dyeing a stick of chalk to any of the main colours in the game. It could even use dyed water in cauldrons to have way more possibilities for colours, like leather armour does. Chalk text could be washed off (erased) by putting water on the surface that has been written on or by destroying the block. This is also the reason why chalk wouldn't work underwater.
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