Neotite is a very strong material found in patches in the deep dark which glows green and is blast resistant except breaking this ore can alert wardens from far away, smelting this ore can give you a neotite chunk which 4 chunks can make a neotite block which glows and is blast resistant, so it makes it a more practical blast resistant block than obsidian which can take forever to mine in large amounts, neotite can also be used to make green neon torches and campfires, aswell as a full green neon glowing block when mixed with glow stone which can make a blast resistant light block.
I also think it could possibly be used as a armor upgrade material, when you take 4 neotite chunks and combine them with 4 iron you can make a neotite ingot, this ingot can be used to upgrade diamond tools and armor into a new set of armor which cannot be destroyed by explosions or fire, but offers no knockback resistance and makes the warden more likely to notice you. I also think it would be cool if neotite items, armor, and blocks had a nice green glowing texture
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