I think adding copper wires would be a good idea. They would act like redstone dust but could attach to walls and ceilings and would shock you when you touch it unless it is coated with wool or wood.
Was originally against it, but it actually adds to redstone functionality. I think Redstone should be included in the recipe (2 copper 1 redstone makes 3 wire), that way the wire doesn't outright replace redstone, merely improving it. I don't know about shocking, though that could be very useful for traps.
Also another idea is redstone power could travel further down it than regular redstone dust, like instead of 15 blocks it could be 31. This could apply on the standard cable or as a varient of the cable. Also potentially you could have some kind of connector block between the redstone and the copper cable to allow for parallel redstone wires.
Coating it could give other properties. Instead of wool or wood, you should be able to wax it with honeycomb, making it so that it would be resistant to water. You could also be able to dye them so that you can differentiate circuits or have two different colored wires that don’t interact while placed on the same block.
This could also fix the problem of placing parallel redstone lines. If copper wire placement was similar to the way that rails are placed in that they can be run next to each other but also can be turned to connected it could kill two birds with one stone.
I was thinking about this earlier and the craving recipe could be a copper collom of 3 on both sides and a center collom of 3 redstone, and it'll make 9 wires, add a carpet or wool on the left and right and it makes insulated wire.