I'm very excited for the Caves and Cliffs Update, and i would love to see intermediate caves, i mean caves between cave biomes and surface biomes. For example: if i i'm in a cold biome, the caves are made out of ice, ice stalactites and snow, or if i i'm in a desert, the caves are made out of sandstone and that kind of thing. And if i go a little bit deeper, i found the new cave biomes. I think this will be better instead of having the cave biomes in sight. Also, it can be only the entrance to the caves, and the rest can be the cave biomes. I suggest this because sometimes i found caves in deserts that, from one block to another, go from sandstone and sand to stone, andesite, granite and diorite and it feels a little weird, i always wanted an intermediate in between and this update feels the right moment, thank you in advance!.
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