So I was not the biggest fan of the warden, but I am coming around. I think it's main home should be the deep dark. The Warden should definitly be the biggest mob down there, but I would love it if there were many small creatures that have adapted to the warden's presence. Most would share the warden's look, but overall they would just be scavengers that have learned to steer clear of the warden. Some would feed off the small fauna and some would be a bit more bold and attack you. they would all scamper at the sight of the warden, as you should. I just think it would have such a unique vibe. I did say that *most* would share the warden's color scheme. The outlier here would be silverfish. I think they would fit in so well. They move into blocks to avoid the warden, they could have little colonies that might even fight each other, and my favorite bit would be that this is where the silverfish queen lives. Just think of it. One 'side' of the biome lives the wardens. Never seen together, but that's for the best. They could have their own territory that they reside in. Then in the rest of the biome, lives the silverfish. They decimate all hostiles near their hives, but allow cetain creatures in. The hives are constantly fighting with each other over territory and resources. Then in the middle, there are the smaller creatures that do what they can without fighting either. maybe a lurker thingy that hunts players. It could look like a starving falmer with purple tinges.
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