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Easy to fix netherite tools and armour


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Just use mending

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Mending isnt easy to get ive only had mending once and ive been playing for 8 years i get it though

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    You are aware mending is from villagers, right? you get a librarian villager and then work till you get mending. there are a lot of videos online for this sort of thing. I promise you it's worth the effort

    A lot of things in Minecraft is about weighing the pros and cons. Do you use iron for a pick or a bucket? Do you give the wheat to the sheep or the cows? More famously, do you use an elytra or use a chestplate? An elytra gives air mobility while a chestplate gives defense. Netherite armor gives you stronger tools and armor that are fire resistant BUT it's rare and highly expensive to repair normally, encouraging you to find alternatives (only using netherite when in the nether or getting mending).