To start, this would be a variant of the desert biome, just like bamboo forests are for jungles but theese would not be that rare since deserts are more common. This desertic grassland would be just like a dessert but with some vegetation like: -Thorn bushes alike to the berry bushes but with no berries and a more dried looking texture. -Barrel cactus which would look preety cool maybe with little red flowers on top when they are fully grown (would be cool for deccor) - joshua trees which would have ramifications alike to the chorus plant from the end and they would be totally exclusive of this one biome. -Grass which i think is the more obvious but l also got an idea for this. This grass would have to be like a sand color looking to make it look like it's dry this could be implemented by using the conventional grass with a new temperature added to the game that would make it look like that and by allowing grass to be planted in sand or even creating a new type of soil maybe called "fertile sand" or something like that, or counterpart creating a new grass that looks dry maybe called "dead gras" or something which could only be planted in the sand I think this wolud totally give more variety to the dessert because taiga has the giant taiga forest and jungle has bamboo forests which make alot of contrast with different type of soil and all of that. Even savanna has the broken savanna biome
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